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Work, Learn, and Grow program
66 sec
Commissioner Howard provides an update on the Work, Learn, and Grow program, a school-year extension of SYEP.
- The program is serving over 7,000 youth, its largest class to date
- More than one-third of enrolled youth reside in or attend schools in six priority precincts identified in the mayor's blueprint for community safety
- 19 Crisis Management System (CMS) groups are participating, enrolling over 330 participants
- 38 Work, Learn, and Grow participants are serving as youth ambassadors to students in temporary housing, focusing on migrant youth
Keith Howard
DYCD also launched a financial empowerment peer mentoring pilot in which selected Work, Learn, and Grow participants will take CUNY courses on financial literacy and serve as peer mentors doing SYEP.
Work Learn and Grow, a school year extension of SYEP, is now serving over 7,000 youth, its largest class to date with more than one third of enrolled youth residing in in or attending schools in the six priority precincts identified in the mayor's blueprint for community safety.
Also, the first time, our CMS providers had the opportunity to participate in work, learn, and grow with 19 CMS groups enrolling over 330 participants.
38 work, learn, and grow participants are serving as youth ambassadors to students in temporary housing with a focus on migrant youth.