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Council Member Lincoln Restler introduces Corporation Counsel and discusses Law Department budget and operations



3 min

Council Member Lincoln Restler welcomes Corporation Counsel Marielle Gautreaux Font and provides an overview of the Law Department's fiscal year 2026 preliminary budget. He discusses the department's role, recent budget adjustments, and expresses concerns about staffing reductions while acknowledging the department's important work.

  • The Law Department's FY2026 preliminary budget totals $259 million, with $180.8 million for personnel services and $78.2 million for other expenses.
  • Restler highlights the addition of 25 new positions related to cannabis laws and funding for Charter Revision Commissions.
  • He expresses concern about the department operating with 400 fewer personnel than before the pandemic and the potential impact on operations.
Lincoln Restler
I'd like to welcome our corp counsel, Marielle Gautreaux Font, the head of the law department to testify before our committee.
The law department's fiscal year twenty twenty six preliminary budget totals $259,000,000 including a hundred and 80,800,000.0 in personnel services funding to support 1,510 full time positions and 78,200,000.0 for other than personnel services expenses.
The law department serves as legal counsel for the city, the mayor, various elected officials, and numerous city agencies.
In the preliminary plan, the law department's fiscal year twenty twenty six preliminary budget is $4,400,000 greater than its fiscal year twenty five adopted budget.
The preliminary plan included additional baseline funding for '25 new positions to litigate and provide legal support related to the new cannabis laws to address a gap in personal services, personnel services funding for existing agency headcount, and for outreach and public events related to the 2024 and 2025 Charter Revision Commissions appointed by the mayor.
Today, we look forward to discussing the law department's operations, the new need their new needs and other adjustments in the preliminary plan, staffing at the department, and the metrics reported in the FY '25 PMMR.
The corp council serves as the lawyer not for the mayor but for the entire city.
For decades that was true more on paper than in reality.
But since the corporation council has become subject to advice and consent, we've seen a meaningful shift.
Under your leadership and the leadership of your predecessors, Georgia Pestana and judge Heinz Radix, the law department has treated the city council as a partner in city government and has worked diligently to provide confidential guidance and support.
This orientation allows us to do our jobs more effectively to the benefit of all New Yorkers and for that I truly am grateful.
The law department continues to operate with 400 fewer personnel than prior to the pandemic and mayor Adams has cut 341 positions from the budgeted headcount.
I remain concerned about the impact that this reduction in capacity has on law department operations.
As we face growing legal threats from the federal government, it is critical that we fully staff the law department to ensure we are prepared to defend our city.
I have a great deal of admiration for the many impressive lawyers I've had the privilege of to work with and learn from at the law department including Cheryl, Eric, and others.
It is a beautiful thing to see one of the most impressive attorneys at the law department work their way up over a thirty year career to become corporation counsel.
The city council was proud to enthusiastically endorse your confirm your nomination last year.
The law department has a vast portfolio and I enjoyed reading the breadth of your work in the 2024 annual report.
I also like had a new understanding of the divisions after reading that report that I had never really had before.
So I I appreciated it.
I'm grateful to all of the hardworking employees at the law department and have particularly appreciated the advice and support from the law department on critical projects in District 33, especially of late from Tasha McKnight and Chris Rio.
Corporation counsel, thank you for being with us today.
We look forward to your testimony.
And with that, I'd like to ask committee counsel to administer the oath and swear in the testifying representatives. pigeon logo

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