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Discussion on specific budget needs and amounts for community boards
100 sec
Community board representatives discuss specific budget needs and amounts, highlighting the complexity of their financial requirements and the challenges they face with current allocations.
- Shawn Alyse Campbell mentions calculations for full staff complement, adding about $200,000 per board
- The idea of bringing community board budgets to parity with borough hall budgets is discussed
- Susan Stetzer points out the difficulty in understanding current budgets due to lack of detailed breakdowns from OMB
Shawn Alyse Campbell
It it it's complicated.
I think the baseline budget increase doesn't address the fact that we have so many different types of needs and it gives us the flexibility to fulfill that because yes we got the 42,000 in 2019, twenty '18, '20 '19, that helped in those years, but we couldn't do any long term planning or any EPS adjustments.
So we've done some calculations a few different ways.
One was what if we had a full complement of staff?
We had a DMADM, community coordinator, etcetera.
I think that sort of ratcheted up in the last fiscal year, added about 200,000 per.
There was also an idea that we bandied about, but we don't have full, I don't want to sound like I'm a proponent for this because we don't have a lot of it.
We don't have full agreement from district managers, but we did play with numbers that brought community board budgets in parity with borough hall budgets.
And that curiously had about the same budget increase as this full complement of staff.
And then when I looked at the percent, when I talked about a percentage of a percentage, that would have been, if we had gotten $200,000 each in addition to our baselines now, we would have had point 06% of the citywide budget in the last fiscal year.
But it's hard for us to even know what our baseline budgets are with our difficulties with OMB.
Gale A. Brewer
You're gonna have to come up with something though so we can advocate for it.
I'm just saying.
Susan Stetzer
It would be really helpful if OMB could give us broken down budgets as we used to get prior to 2019 but could no longer get.
So we don't even know if we're getting the same amount as we used to.