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Introduction and overview of the Law Department's role



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Muriel Goode-Trufant, Corporation Counsel of the New York City Law Department, introduces the department's role in representing the city, mayor, city council, and other officials in civil litigation. The Law Department also acts as a prosecuting agency in family court and provides legal counsel on various issues.

  • The department handles all affirmative and defensive civil litigation for the city.
  • It drafts and reviews local and state legislation, real estate leases, and financial instruments.
  • The department's work impacts all city entities and operations.
Muriel Goode-Trufant
Good afternoon Chair Ressler, Council Member Brewer, and distinguished members of the Government Operations Committee.
It is a pleasure to come before you to discuss the law department's fiscal year twenty twenty six preliminary budget.
I'm joined by First Assistant Corporation Counsel, Sheryl Neufeld, managing attorney, Eric Eichenhultz, and chief of administration, Jenny Nagel Endigowen.
The law department represents the city, the mayor, the city council, other elected officials, and the city's agencies in all affirmative and defensive civil litigation.
As a prosecuting agency, the department brings proceedings in family court alleging violations of criminal laws and represents the people of the state of New York in proceedings filed in criminal court to enforce the city's administrative code.
Law department attorneys draft and review local and state legislation, real estate leases, procurement contracts, and financial instruments for the sale of municipal bonds.
The law department also provides legal counsel to city officials on a wide range of issues such as civil rights, education, intellectual property, land use, and environmental policy.
The department's work embraces all city entities and operations.
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