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NYC Board of Elections preliminary budget testimony



146 sec

Michael Ryan, Executive Director of NYC Board of Elections, provides testimony on the agency's preliminary budget for the upcoming fiscal year. He highlights the expected elections, potential for special elections, and the agency's projected budget needs of approximately $260 million.

  • The BOE expects to conduct at least two elections next year, with the possibility of additional special elections.
  • There's typically a difference between the BOE's budget projections and the mayor's office projections, but this has not been problematic in the past decade.
  • The agency works closely with the administration to manage funding, considering the seasonal nature of their operations split between fall and June elections.
Michael Ryan
Chair Ressler, and the members of the committee on governmental operations and state and federal legislation, We are happy to be here today to offer testimony, for the preliminary budget, and we certainly would, be prepared to waive, the reading of our formal, testimony as submitted and proceed to the to the question and answer period if that's acceptable to the committee.
Lincoln Restler
I'd suggest just doing the very top line highlights if you don't mind.
Michael Ryan
So top line highlights are that we are expecting to conduct two elections next year.
Whether that remains what it is, we never can tell with the special elections.
We are we are in an active election presently for the 40 Fourth Council District, in Brooklyn, and we expect to do at least one more special election before June, and perhaps a third depending on the outcome of the election that we're presently in.
So we are always hit with, surprises.
We and we we work very closely with the administration, to deal with those since we couldn't, possibly plan for them in advance.
There's always a difference between the board's projection of funds.
We're projecting that we'll need approximately 260,000,000, dollars for this, next fiscal year.
But we work closely with the administration, to put a benchmark, in at the early part of the fiscal year since our, agency essentially runs, you know, seasonally split between two major elections, one in the fall, and the other one, at the June.
So while there may appear to be a a wide gap between what we project and what the, mayor's office is, projecting in the executive, that has not been a problem, I would say, in the last, ten years.
This is the way that we've been dealing with it, and it's and it's worked well.
And we try to ensure that we deal with city funding as in as fiscally a prudent manner as we can. pigeon logo

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