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Expansion and metrics of Jobs NYC hiring halls
3 min
Council Member Feliz inquires about the $2 million baseline funding for expanding Jobs NYC hiring halls, and Commissioner Gross provides details on the program's targeting, metrics, and success.
- Jobs NYC is a data-driven, geographically targeted intervention focusing on neighborhoods with high unemployment rates
- The program has served an average of 300-450 job seekers at each event, with over 30 events held to date
- 3,400 on-site interviews and over 1,400 conditional offers have been made through the program
- Long-term metrics include verified hires, conditional offers, number of employers and job seekers at events, and satisfaction rates
- A recent hiring hall achieved a 100% satisfaction rate from participating employers
Oswald Feliz
The preliminary plan also includes $2,000,000 baseline funding to expand the reach of jobs NYC hiring halls specifically for communities that need.
Is this increase for any communities in particular and also how many individuals will SBS be able to assist with this new funding?
Dynishal Gross
Thank you Chair Feliz.
Jobs NYC is a geographically targeted intervention but it's a data driven targeting.
The goal is to identify neighborhoods in the city that have you know the highest unemployment rates and rather than you know promote simply promoting our walk in workforce services which are robust and effective, we take the show on the road and we design community based interventions that are that help to connect residents of those communities to workforce system services and to available jobs.
And so we will continue to welcome New Yorkers citywide to participate in these hiring halls, but to hold them in the highest zip code in the highest need zip codes identified through our data analysis.
And so the $2,000,000 will fully integrate this Jobs NYC programming into our workforce system going forward.
This initiative was started as a sprint by city hall with you know us kind of building the initiative through trial and error and staff seconded from other agencies and provided by city hall.
So this provides a stable future for the jobs NYC initiative going forward.
Oswald Feliz
What are long term metrics that SBS uses to determine success at Jobs NYC?
Dynishal Gross
Thank you.
So with Jobs NYC as with our workforce programming, you know our ultimate metric is hires.
So we're looking to see how many New Yorkers achieve jobs through interviews that we connect them to in the systems and we are proud to share that thus far we have that our hiring halls have served an average of 300 to 450 job seekers at each event.
We've had more than 30 of them to date and we've had 3,400 on-site interviews at those events and over 1,400 conditional offers.
So as we get further out from those events we'll start to get more verified hires from employees which requires you know a validation process before we report on the verified hires.
We will report on hires, the conditional offers, the number of employees, employers at the events, and the number of job seekers at the events.
In addition, we survey both employers and job seekers who attend these events about their satisfaction and at a recent hiring hall we achieved for the first time a 100% satisfaction rate from all of the employers who participated which include private sector employers and city agencies that are hiring connecting those New Yorkers in those communities to civil service as well as neighborhood job opportunities.