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Strategies for reducing SBS vacancies and improving retention
95 sec
Council Member Feliz inquires about strategies for reducing vacancies and factors affecting hiring and retention at SBS. Commissioner Gross outlines the agency's approach to addressing these challenges.
- SBS participates in hiring halls and events to connect with potential employees
- Agency hosts interns and fellows, with a successful track record in the urban fellows program
- Careful management of hiring allotments to meet core needs across program divisions and administrative teams
Oswald Feliz
Thank you.
I would like to acknowledge council member Susan Zuang who is with us, council member Eric Batra who just joined us, and council members Brooks Powers and Ang who have joined us via Zoom.
And again, I know the issue of vacancies, that's an issue affecting every city agency due to many reasons.
But what's the strategy for reducing the vacancies?
I know you mentioned there's an 11% vacancy rate at the immediate control of SBS.
What's the strategy for reducing those vacancies and what are factors that could potentially affect hiring and also retention?
Dynishal Gross
So we are working to advance hiring by we we deliver hiring halls and we participate in those hiring events to try and connect New Yorkers to opportunities and public service employment at our agency.
In addition, we host interns and fellows.
We have a wonderful track record with the urban fellows program.
We're currently hosting two urban fellows and I believe nine existing SBS staff including leaders leaders in our agency were former urban fellows so that's been a strong strategy for recruitment to SBS.
And more importantly we try to manage the use of our allotments so that we're able to continue to meet our core needs.
So our existing vacancies are distributed across our program divisions and our administrative teams and we manage how we use the allotments to ensure that those teams can meet their work for New Yorkers.