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Potential implementation of AI in procurement processes



151 sec

Council Member Bottcher inquires about the potential use of AI in procurement processes to improve efficiency. Director Flores discusses the administration's approach to AI implementation and the current focus on stabilizing existing systems.

  • Flores mentions the administration has an AI plan but emphasizes the need for responsible implementation.
  • She highlights potential low-risk areas for AI testing, such as Service Desk operations.
  • Flores stresses the importance of improving current systems before layering on new AI technologies.
Erik D. Bottcher
I wanna follow-up on chair Wan's questions about artificial intelligence and the use of AI.
It seems to me that procurement is an area where AI would have a lot of potential to help cut down on these processing times and make it easier for everybody.
You had said earlier that you had a wish list of ways that AI could be applied.
Have you been able to execute AI and implement it where you've wanted to?
And are there areas where you've struggled to get it implemented?
How can we expect to see it used in a specific way?
And are are there any barriers in place that you're facing?
Lisa Flores
I appreciate that question, councilmember.
So first and foremost, as you know, the administration has an AI plan.
And definitely, as I'm sure you know and those who are familiar with technology, this is a question that every municipality and also private sector folks are dealing with.
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Everyone's talking about AI, but it's important, especially as a municipality, that we do that in a responsible way, both to protect the city, any risk that we may have, but also do it in a way that has the intended impact of increasing, efficiency.
So we definitely sort of internally have had some conversations at MOX around testing it in sort of low risk environments, for example, in Service Desk is one that we're interested in.
But obviously, the sky's the limit long term in order to use it, whether it's for creating a first draft of a contract, creating a first draft of evaluation processes.
There's a lot of opportunity there.
I think what's important, though, in my opinion, is that we're we're laying the groundwork and planning but not trying to lay over right at this very moment when we're trying to get folks paid sort of shiny new things that are important but that we should be working on in parallel to when we are in a better place, as you mentioned earlier, of getting paid faster, having a more efficient system, and then utilizing technology on top of that.
So definitely on our wish list.
But as I mentioned to Chair Juan, we want to double down on ensuring that the current state works as it's intended, before we start layering on, new and shiny things that I'm excited about. pigeon logo

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