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Discussion on IMT and FACT teams wait times and enrollment



3 min

Council Member Sandy Nurse inquires about the wait times and enrollment process for Intensive Mobile Treatment (IMT) and FACT teams. DOHMH officials provide information on the current budget, number of individuals served, and the referral process through the Single Point of Access (SPOA) system.

  • DOHMH reports 1,028 individuals served by IMT in FY24 with 38 teams and an annual budget of $42 million
  • 672 individuals have been referred to IMT but are not yet enrolled
  • Officials explain that wait times vary based on individual cases and comorbidities
  • Care coordination is provided to individuals while they wait for enrollment in specific programs
Sandy Nurse
Sorry, thanks.
I wasn't sure which one of us were first, so I'll just pick up on the IMT.
I wanted to go back to the single point of access line of questions that we talked about, and perhaps there's some language discrepancy here, but it was mentioned that there isn't a wait list, and so that's fine if we don't want to use that word, but I think there's some clarity that we're looking for in terms of when people, when you're reviewing this referral and you all determine that someone qualifies for one of these teams, how long are they generally on average waiting to be connected to those teams?
And then additionally, if you could in a detailed way talk about the access to care coordination they're getting in between the time when it's determined they're eligible and they are waiting for the actual connection.
Michelle Morse
Absolutely, I'll ask Doctor.
Wright to join me at the table.
Again, I'll start the response and then I'll pass to him.
There are, for IMT specifically, our current annual budget for IMT is $42,000,000 There were ten twenty eight individuals served in FY24 in our IMT program and we have 38 teams for IMT.
There are about six seventy two individuals who've been referred to IMT but are not yet enrolled in the program.
The time that they wait depends a little bit on their comorbidities and their unique situation, so there is triage in the list of people who've been referred.
And I'll pass to Doctor.
Wright to share more about the specifics of case management while they're waiting to enroll in the program.
Dr. Jean Wright
Thank you, Commissioner.
Thank you, Council Member.
So the SBOA, as you just indicated, is the referral process, so that is all the referrals come through the SPOA, so there's not a specific time that I can give you for that, but in terms of those that are waiting for a particular service, they are receiving care coordination which is similar to case management that they can be connected to services and nothing precludes them from being connected to services while they're waiting on their specific referral.
Sandy Nurse
Okay, you might have to walk it, talk it out to me like I don't know anything and I'm fine to be, I'm ignorant of this.
So if you get referred, someone is referred and you find, you reviewed their case, this person should be connected to a fact team.
How long on average are they waiting for that to be directly start working with that team or a team, however you wanna call it.
Dr. Jean Wright
Thank you for your question.
I understand your question, and I will have to get back to you to give you an average of wait time.
Sandy Nurse
Is there I mean, I imagine you all are gonna be here for a little bit. pigeon logo

Is useful to you?

I'm thrilled!

Please help me out by answering just one question.

What do you do?

Thank you!

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