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Testimony by Suchiemi Tai, Co Deputy Director of Garden of Hope on Asian American Mental Health Needs
133 sec
Suchiemi Tai, Co Deputy Director of Garden of Hope, testified about the urgent mental health needs of New York's Asian community and the importance of culturally competent, language-accessible mental health services. She emphasized the barriers to care faced by the Asian community and highlighted Garden of Hope's work in providing trauma-informed mental health care.
- Garden of Hope provided trauma recovery services to 1,071 adults and 317 children/youth in 2023, with 94% of adult clients having limited English proficiency.
- Language access (83%) and cultural stigma (67%) were identified as major barriers to mental health care for the Asian community.
- Tai urged the city to increase funding for Asian-led community-based organizations to expand mental health services.
Suchiemi Tai
Good afternoon Chair Lee, Tran Sherman and D.
HOLK Committee Councils.
My name is Suchiemi Tai and I serve as the co deputy director at Gardener Hope.
A linguistically and culturally competent services to the Asian community with a primarily focus on the Chinese immigrants and Chinese Americans in New York.
While we are widely recognized for our work with survivors of domestic violence, human trafficking, hate violence, and other traumas, we also provide mental health services to the broader community.
I'm here today as a member of AF Asian American Mental Health Roundtable to speak to the urgent mental health needs of New York and Asian community.
It's one of the organizations in the roundtable where 50% of those serves our trainees.
Gardner Hope plays a key role in reaching this population through trauma informed mental health care.
According to AF twenty twenty four Mental Health Support, language access is the most significant barrier to care, eighty three percent, and sixty seven percent identified cultural stigma as a major obstacle.
And many Asian community members trust CBOs like us for mental health services due to the cultural understanding and safety we provide.
At Garden Hope, we have seen how culturally specific language accessible mental health care can change lives.
In 2023 alone, we provide trauma recovery services to ten seventy one adults and three seventeen children and youth, with ninety four percent of our adult clients having limited English proficiency.
And with a team of 18 bilingual staff, and most of us are licensed mental health counselor and social worker, we deliver culturally relevant care.
And now we just urge the city to increase funding for Asian led community based organization to expand mental health services.
Lynn Schulman
Thank you.