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Tracking mental health funding and inter-agency coordination
163 sec
Council Member Lee raises concerns about the difficulty of tracking mental health funding across various city agencies and inquires about inter-agency coordination for mental health services. DOHMH officials respond with information on their collaborative efforts and data sharing practices.
- Lee highlights the challenge of tracking mental health funding spread across multiple agencies
- Dr. Morse explains DOHMH's role in sharing data and collaborating with other agencies
- Aaron Anderson mentions budgetary touchpoints with sister agencies and OMB's role in aggregating information
Linda Lee
Okay, I just wanted to make sure that it was including all of those, including the pass through money.
Okay, perfect.
And then just really quickly, for So this is like probably one of my pet peeves which you've heard in previous hearings which is it's hard to track all the money that's within the mental health portfolio because so much of it sits within different city agencies.
So for example, some is with you all, some is with EMS, others are with OCMH, others are with health and hospitals, and so I just wanted to, and Department of Education of course has a bunch as well, And so it's challenging to track all the mental health services provided and how much the city's full investment for mental health services is.
So I was just wondering is there a way to sort of, and how much of your hands do you have in the other city agencies?
Because I'm assuming and also correct me if I'm wrong that you know when it comes to the mental health purview in that bucket, I would like to think there's some agency that's overarchingly looking at all of this data.
So just wanted to know how much information you share across agencies and how much you work together between the different agencies around the mental health services specifically.
Michelle Morse
Sure, I can start and then I'll pass to our CFO to share some more details on the budget side.
In general when it comes to programs and policy work, we do work very closely with other agencies particularly OCMH and health and hospitals.
And we also have a number of different ways in which we share data for the whole city with those organizations as well since that is in large part our role.
Our mental health report that came out last year I think is a good example of that.
And then just last week we released a report on the mental health needs of LGBTQ plus New Yorkers as well.
So those are the kinds of data and reports that our sister agencies look to us for in terms of guidance on programs, priorities, etcetera.
So that work does occur.
We also work collaboratively with New York City Public Schools on the school based mental health clinics, etcetera.
So there are a number of programmatic touch points for coordination and partnership.
I'll pass to Aaron about the budget question specifically.
Aaron Anderson
Yeah, thanks Doctor.
And I would just echo that just as there are programmatic touch points, are budgetary touch points.
I'm always in contact with sister agencies, my counterparts.
But really, OMB is probably the place where as an aggregator of information about where everything lives.