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Concerns about supplemental cleaning services in areas without Business Improvement Districts



3 min

Council Member Sandy Nurse raises concerns about supplemental cleaning services in areas without Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) and discusses the challenges of implementing new containerization rules in these areas. She urges the administration to consider funding solutions for affected organizations.

  • Council Member Nurse pays for supplemental cleaning in areas without BIDs, noting that only one BID exists in her district.
  • She highlights the need for solutions in areas without merchant associations that can pay for their own supplemental cleaning.
  • Acting Commissioner Lojan suggests using tow trucks as a potential solution for collecting and centralizing waste in these areas.
  • Council Member Nurse argues that the administration should provide funding to help organizations adapt to the new containerization rules, rather than relying on the City Council to fill the gap.
Sandy Nurse
And then just I do want to say that I know there's going be a lot of questions about the bids and the supplemental cleaning.
I pay for supplemental cleaning in places where we don't have bids.
In fact, I only have one bid in my district.
It just got legislatively done.
It's very new.
So it would be helpful for you to detail for the record what are solutions for places that don't have a corridor, you're kind of putting the onus on these organizations, and you know we rely on them so much in areas where we don't have merchant associations that can pay for their own supplemental cleaning.
Javier Lojan
So I just want to make sure I understand your question correctly, just want to me speak through some of the different avenues they have to be in compliance with the rule, is that correct?
Sandy Nurse
if I have an area, I pay for areas that maybe don't even have commercial corridors, they're just these areas that I can't get enough level of service despite a hundred and 50,000 or whatever we're paying for mobile litter patrols because you guys don't have enough trucks in my district on any given day to go out and take care of dump outs and things like that, and just general street cleanliness.
So areas where there might not be enough merchants, there might not be a lot of residents, but it's disgusting and there's a lot of and there is a lot of foot traffic, we put supplemental cleaning there.
So what can we do about these areas that are long, you know, it's not like you it might be they do 10 bags in that area or five bags in that area, but then for them to put it in a truck option, take it down to the garage, especially out where we're getting into less dense areas and your garages are more geographically further out, it kind of really really eats into the time they have to actually do the actual cleaning.
Javier Lojan
I think one of the options that might work are the tow truck options.
A tow truck is one cubic yard, can hold like 20 bags, and that's an area I think it might be effective in a circumstance like that.
And there might be an area within the district that you know that's central that you know they can put these tow trucks and we can work together on knowing when that schedule it is when when they service them, and then we would coordinate on on servicing that you know those bags that they service.
Sandy Nurse
I will just say I do think that the administration should consider putting up money for these organizations to do it and not necessarily relying on the council to fill in that gap because I think that's probably what's going to happen is it's going to get kicked to our pots or kicked to the council to pick that up.
This is your initiative and you should have thought about this, you should have thought about the consequences of it and the recalibration that it was going to take and I think you all should put up the money for it to help people figure it out and help these organizations figure it out because the fact is we're gonna continue to need to use them.
There's no universe in which we're not using them.
So I think that's Thank
Shaun Abreu
you council member.
Council member Banks.
Before that actually I'd like to recognize council member Salamanca.
Go ahead Banks. pigeon logo

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