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Concerns and clarifications on organics collection enforcement



71 sec

Council Member David M. Carr raises concerns about the upcoming enforcement period for organics collection, particularly regarding potential unfair fines for residents. Acting Commissioner Javier Lojan provides clarifications on the enforcement process.

  • Carr mentions complaints from constituents who received warnings despite proper separation
  • Lojan assures that actual fines will be based on inspection of trash contents, not just the presence of bins
  • The discussion highlights the difference between the warning period and the actual fine period starting April 1
David M. Carr
It's been alluded to that next week is the beginning of the enforcement period.
I've already received a lot of complaints from constituents who got the warnings because they didn't put out their brown bin, even if their home was unoccupied, didn't put out their brown bin because maybe they didn't think there was to warrant putting out their brown bin that day, even though they are separating the trash and the organics.
So I'm really concerned that come next Tuesday, a lot of folks are gonna be getting fines that don't deserve it.
Javier Lojan
And and that's one of the things that we have seen.
I I can reassure you that once the fine period begins, we will not issue any of the summonses to areas like that.
So I think right now what we've what one of our messaging has been is that if there's no bin out, it's essentially more of the reminder of what is going to happen.
I think we've used that as more of like an effective tool to say, hey, reminder, like starting April 1, this will be fine.
But once April 1 comes, our enforcement personnel are required to look through the trash to ensure that there is, in fact, a violation.
So that is one of the
David M. Carr
things They'll be examining what's actually put Yes. pigeon logo

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