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Discussion on ensuring adequate sanitation resources for rezoned areas



126 sec

Council Member Restler inquires about strategies to ensure sufficient sanitation resources for growing communities undergoing rezoning. The discussion touches on the need for better planning and resource allocation in areas experiencing significant housing growth.

  • Restler asks for advice on advocating for proper sanitation resources in rezoned areas
  • Commissioner Lojan suggests close communication and collaboration between DSNY, the administration, and the council
  • Restler emphasizes the real impacts of rezoning on sanitation needs and the importance of additional investments
  • The council member proposes exploring ways to ensure additional sanitation support for rezoned communities
Lincoln Restler
ask one more question?
Thank you very much.
I am interested if you have any advice for council members who are going through large scale rezonings for how we can try to ensure that we get sufficient sanitation resources to meet the needs of growing communities.
You know, we just approved a big City of Yes plan that I was an enthusiastic supporter of, But I wanna make sure that when we're adding density in a meaningful way, when we're adding 5,000, eight thousand, 12 thousand units of housing in a community, that we're planning for it with the Department of Sanitation, and that you have the person power and the vehicles and the resources to be able to actually step up and meet those needs and and keep those streets clean.
Any suggestions for us for how we should be better advocates to make sure that sanitation is resourced properly in growing communities?
Javier Lojan
I think the only thing we can say is just working closely on knowing when these rezonings are happening and then working with the administration and council on seeing where the right amount of resources are and what would be right?
Or would you say we just have close communication and working closely together?
Lincoln Restler
I think that we often hear that there's like no substantial impact for the Department of Sanitation for other agencies.
But I can tell you as a district that's undergone multiple large scale rezonings, there have been substantial impacts, and it's it's been a process over fifteen or twenty years of trying to get more sanitation resources dedicated.
You don't have additional people that are added when we go through a big rezoning to meet the needs of our community, but there should be.
And there should be more investment that's given to the agency to, you know, to to be able to support the communities that have greater demand.
So I just hope that's something, chair, that we could explore together because I think it's a good issue that, you know, might be that council members who are going through rezonings would appreciate knowing that there's gonna be additional sanitation support for those communities.
Shaun Abreu
I think that's a great idea, council member.
I'm gonna respectfully ask the panel to just elevate your voice a little bit or and get the mic closer to you because I think we're having some issues hearing you on the livestream.
Council member Paladino. pigeon logo

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