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Introduction to litter basket service funding concerns
86 sec
Council Member Shaun Abreu introduces the topic of litter basket service funding, highlighting the importance of maintaining appropriate service levels for street cleanliness. He expresses concern about the year-to-year funding approach and its impact on service consistency.
- The council secured $22 million in FY23 and $25 million in FY24 for increased litter basket service.
- These funds were one-time allocations, requiring yearly renegotiation.
- Expanded service has led to a record decline in 311 litter complaints.
- Abreu emphasizes the need for baseline funding in FY25 and beyond to ensure equitable and consistent service citywide.
Shaun Abreu
I mean yeah we're gonna have to start thinking about it and digging into that because obviously I think this committee has a lot of interest in trash containerization and to be able to plan for a full transition.
So that would look like we have to start figuring out what those details will look like.
I'd to transition now to litter basket service.
I'd like to recognize council members Banks and Paladino for joining us.
Maintaining an appropriate level of litter basket service is crucial in maintaining street cleanliness and reducing waste related complaints across New York City.
Despite securing 22,000,000 in f y twenty three and f y and 25,000,000 f y 20 4 for increased service, these funds were a one time allocation requiring the council to renegotiate for continued funding each year.
While expanded service has led to a record decline in three one one litter complaints, overflowing baskets remain a persistent issue, particularly in districts that have not received equal levels of service.
Ensuring baseline funding in FY '25 and beyond is critical to maintaining equitable and consistent service citywide.
First question is why does the administration continue to fund expanded litter basket service on a year to year basis rather than committing to baseline funding in the budget despite the data showing that this improves cleanliness and reduces public complaints?