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Testimony by Eric Goldstein, New York City Environment Director of Natural Resources Defense Council



3 min

Eric Goldstein from the Natural Resources Defense Council testified on two main issues: organics collection and the commercial waste zoning reform. He emphasized the importance of composting and urged for increased funding for community composting programs and DSNY's public education efforts.

  • Recommended $10,500,000 in funding for community composting in FY 2026
  • Called for full implementation of the commercial waste zone program across the city by the end of FY 2026
  • Advocated against funding co-digestion of organic waste in wastewater treatment plants, favoring local and mid-scale composting facilities instead
Eric Goldstein
Good afternoon, chair.
Eric Olsene from the Natural Resources Defense Council.
I'll summarize my written testimony.
We appreciate the hard work of the men and women, that the sanitation department does every day to enhance our quality of life and protect public health in New York City.
Two issue areas.
The first is organics collection.
As the council knows, it's a big problem.
Composting is the answer.
We've still got a long way to go despite the council's excellent work in this area.
NRDC recommends that the council continue to fund the almost two dozen nonprofit organizations that are implementing community composting in all five boroughs, to accommodate additional groups who deserve to be included in this program and to, have the existing groups expand their operations.
We recommend the council provide $10,500,000 in funding for community composting in f y ninety six.
In addition, we urge the council to ensure that DSNY has sufficient funds identified in its budget for the department's own public education efforts, which so far have been anemic.
They need to include additional mailings, a second opportunity for homeowners to request organic bins, and to publicize the program in a way so that New Yorkers know exactly what the program is and how to participate.
And third, we recommend that DSNY commit sufficient funds to repair the failing roof of the composting facility on Rikers Island.
As curbside composting grows, the Rikers facility is ideally suited to provide organics processing capacity to sustainably dispose of our food scraps and yard waste.
Final topic for NRDC's budget priorities before this committee, We urge the council to implement provide sufficient funds for the successful implementation of the commercial way zoning reform consistent with the council's landmark legislation.
We urge the council to secure assurances from DSNY that it has sufficient funds to fully implement, monitor, and enforce the commercial waste zone program in every zone across the city by the end of f y twenty six.
We're not saying do it all at one time.
We're saying phase it in over the year, and that's six years after the passage of the law.
And a little focus on VMT reduction, public safety, environmental benefits of the program would also be useful.
We, of course, want this program to be effective in serving the customers, but there were other objectives that led the council to pass this bill and we wanna see those achieved.
Finally, we urge the council to ensure that no funds be expended in f y ninety six beyond what's already committed to Hunts Point and Newtown Creek for any other advancing of co digestion of organic waste in the city's wastewater treatment plants.
That's not the way to deal with collected organics.
The way to deal with collected organics is actual composting by community groups and by the city establishing local and mid scale composting facilities throughout the city.
We thank you for your attention. pigeon logo

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