Speaker 8
Thank you, Sabrina, and thank you for the question council member.
As you know, EDC's mission surrounding economic development different from our colleagues at the Department of Health And Human Hygiene, mayor's office of Climate And Environmental Justice.
So I cannot say that we, EDC, have done specific mapping as it relates to health indicators in our cruise terminal communities.
That said, I can say that we collaborate closely with DOHMH, MOCEJ, and other partners about the impacts of our economic development work.
We'd know that the community has been asking for progress when it comes to air quality monitoring as it relates to the cruise industry and the cruise terminals.
And so we have already started discussions with DOH MH, the Department of Environmental Protection, and MOCEJ, to see how we can be a partner to that work because as you said in in your opening statement, the air quality realities in our environmental justice communities are impacted by a variety of factors.
Yes, the cruise industry, but also traffic, last mile facilities, industrial uses.
We understand that we are part of a much broader conversation about air quality.
And so we are committed to partnering with the entities that regulate and manage that work for the city, so that we're being transparent and sharing information as decisions get made.