Speaker 8
Thank you for the question.
I I would not be able to say to you that we have, you know, done anything specifically that is improving health indicators in these communities.
Aside from the, you know, sort of less tangible impacts of, you know, having a working waterfront job creation and and those pieces that are more loosely connected to health improvements across our neighborhoods.
What I can say is that We have initiated those discussions to look at opportunities for air quality monitoring, thinking about how can we be transparent about that data and that we will are very committed to working with you council member, AbbViella, and council member, Batcher, and your constituents in having that information be a guiding force and how decisions are made.
In the communities.
But if you're asking me to say, have we specifically invested in a a health clinic in Redhook or something along those lines.
I wouldn't be able to answer affirmatively on that.
What I can also say though is that as part of the long term agreements that that Sabrina highlighted, because we have included language about environmental benefits, emissions, reductions, requiring shore power connectivity, we see ourselves as part of the broader strategy to improve air quality across the city.
Actually, council member, I should say, I'm I thought of one more thing that I do wanna hand over hand over to Andrew again to speak to, which is our work on the blue highway and working to reduce traffic in our neighborhoods, as you mentioned in your your opening remarks, being able to use our waterfront more holistically, to move goods, to move people, is a critical strategy in getting vehicle emissions down and getting cars off the road.
And so in terms of your question about tangible things that we are participating in.
I I would like Andrew to to speak to that work.