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Your guide to NYC's public proceedings.

New York City Council

Committee on Education

Feb 29, 2024


01:00 PM

4 hr 30 min


A hearing on implementing the state class size law in New York City school. Discussions cover issues around how schools will comply, the influence of class size on instruction quality, the need for more classrooms, teacher shortages, and the continuation of a loan forgiveness program for aspiring NYC teachers. Features testimony from NY state senators, the NYC Department of Education, school superintendents, and the public.

Meeting chapters

Read summaries and watch videos for short segments that matter to you.


John Liu on Impact of Foundation Aid Formula Update on New York Schools

John Liu discusses the potential effects of updating the foundation aid formula on schools in New York, with a focus on differences between Upstate and Downstate. - Upstate New York …



60 sec


What are the implications of exceeding class size limits and how does Commissioner Rosa support reducing class sizes?

The discussion addresses class size limits, the necessity for additional teachers when these limits are exceeded, and highlights Commissioner Rosa's support for reducing class sizes to comply with state law. …



4 min


Will students in temporary housing be included in the updated foundational formula?

Senator John Liu clarifies the state education department is responsible for updating the foundational formula, not the state senate, but suggests the inclusion of costs for students in temporary housing. …



46 sec


What is the estimated capital cost for relieving overcrowded schools?

Senator John Liu discusses the substantial capital required to address overcrowded schools and classrooms, pointing to the city's insufficient planning and unclear prioritization between schools and jails. - The estimated …



75 sec


Emma Vadehra, COO and Deputy Chancellor for Operations and Finance, New York City Public Schools on Class Size Reduction Compliance Efforts in New York City Public Schools

Emma Vadehra, COO and Deputy Chancellor for Operations and Finance at New York City Public Schools, provides an update on efforts to comply with the state's class size caps legislation. …



15 min


Nina Kubota, President and CEO of the NYC School Construction Authority (SCA), on Strategies to Comply with Class Size Requirements

Nina Kubota discusses the SCA's plan to manage class size compliance through a 5-year capital plan, detailing four strategic approaches. - Emphasizes the legislative impact on over 500 schools, necessitating …



7 min


Khalek Kirkland, Superintendent of District 23, on Managing Class Size Regulations in Brownsville

Khalek Kirkland discusses the impact of class size regulations in Brownsville, emphasizing the district's high compliance rate and the associated challenges. - Kirkland highlights that 73% of District 23's classes …



7 min


Does the Department of Education help shape decisions and implement class size laws in NYC public schools?

Dan Weisberg of the Department of Education and Venus Sze-Tsang affirm their roles in shaping decisions and implementing class size laws in NYC public schools. - Dan Weisberg from the …



27 sec


Does class size influence the quality of instruction?

Both Superintendent Khalek Kirkland and Deputy Chancellor Emma Vadehra affirm that class size significantly impacts instruction quality. - Superintendent Kirkland emphatically agrees with the impact of class size on instruction …



9 sec


Have individuals in decision-making positions taught in New York City public schools, and why does classroom size matter?

Council member Rita C. Joseph highlights the importance of having decision-makers with teaching experience in NYC public schools, focusing on the issue of class size. - Superintendent Khalek Kirkland has …



102 sec


How is the Department of Education consulting on and planning to reduce class size?

The Department of Education consults with current practitioners, including teachers and representatives, to work towards reducing class size, in line with state laws mandating specific numerical caps. - Formal consultations …



155 sec


Why do reducing class sizes require trade-offs, and what are the potential approaches?

Reducing class sizes necessitates trade-offs due to budgetary constraints and space limitations, with three main strategies outlined for achieving smaller class sizes. - There are three primary ways to reduce …



3 min


How does reducing class sizes relate to pre-K and 3-K programs?

The Department of Education suggests reallocating pre-K and 3-K classroom spaces to reduce class sizes, not being mandated by law, and directing families to nearby Community-Based Organizations (CBOs). - One …



78 sec


What challenges remain despite fully funding the foundation aid formula, and how is the funding currently being utilized?

Emma Vadehra explains that although New York State has fully funded foundation aid, challenges remain with utilizing the additional dollars, and discusses plans for distribution going forward. - New York …



149 sec


What were the deficits New York City Public Schools faced before the fair student funding formula was fully funded?

New York City Public Schools' fair student funding formula was not fully funded until additional state dollars were received, affecting the allocation towards students' needs. - The fair student funding …



127 sec


Does the class size mandate affect charter schools or only public schools?

The class size mandate does not affect charter schools. - Only public schools are affected by the class size mandate. - Charter schools are not included in this regulatory policy. …



6 sec


How are teacher recruitment and hiring being addressed, and what incentive programs are in place?

The Department of Education acknowledges challenges in teacher recruitment and outlines existing and potential incentive programs to attract more diverse teachers. - The Department faces the need to significantly increase …



3 min


What are the hiring needs among different school levels and how do they impact Advanced Placement (AP) classes and specific certifications?

First Deputy Chancellor Dan Weisberg acknowledges teacher shortages, especially in STEM and special education, and discusses the challenges of maintaining AP classes and certifications across various school levels. - National …



3 min


Rita C. Joseph on teacher shortages and class size issues in New York City public schools

Rita C. Joseph addresses the ongoing teacher shortages and class size issues in New York City Public Schools. - She highlights the historical shortages in areas such as special education, …



93 sec


Has the Department of Education analyzed the impact of class size on pass rates and cost savings?

The Department of Education has not conducted an analysis on the impact of class size on pass rates and potential cost savings. - Council Member Eric Dinowitz questions the analysis …



5 min


How can we address the need for more classrooms and teacher shortages?

Council Member Gale Brewer seeks innovative solutions for classroom and teacher shortages, focusing on subjects like biology and computers. - Brewer proposes exploring non-traditional hiring practices to address teacher shortages. …



3 min


How is the NYC School Construction Authority addressing classroom and space constraints?

The NYC School Construction Authority (SCA) discusses various strategies to address classroom and space constraints in New York City schools, including capitalizing on already available space and constructing new facilities. …



3 min


Can pay incentives for teachers in high poverty schools retain them despite external challenges?

Superintendent Khalek Kirkland suggests that while pay incentives might help, external safety concerns due to crime significantly influence teachers' decisions to stay in high poverty schools. - Khalek Kirkland uses …



166 sec


Is there a safe passage plan for students, and what is project pivot's role in it?

Superintendent Khalek Kirkland affirms the existence of a safe passage plan for students, highlighting project pivot's key role. - Kirkland confirms project pivot assists with ensuring students' safety. - He …



78 sec


Is the Department of Education considering pay incentives for high poverty schools and is the recruitment initiative for Black men ongoing?

The Department of Education (DOE) is considering pay incentives for high poverty schools and the recruitment initiative for Black men continues. - The DOE is taking into account a working …



19 sec


Is there still a loan forgiveness program for students enrolling to teach in New York City Public Schools?

Council Member Rita C. Joseph asks about the continuation of a loan forgiveness program for students aspiring to teach in NYC Public Schools, and Dan Weisberg needs to verify the …



23 sec


How many NYC schools lack legally required space, and what are their locations?

A discussion on the number of New York City (NYC) schools lacking legally required space and the subsequent plans for space repurposing. - Nina Kubota presents a chart describing classroom …



173 sec


Why are charter schools exempt from requirements for additional space?

Council Member Rita C. Joseph questions why charter schools do not need extra space due to class size mandates, as First Deputy Chancellor Dan Weisberg acknowledges the prevalence of charter …



48 sec


Shekar Krishnan expresses frustration over the Department of Education's budget allocations

Council Member Shekar Krishnan expresses frustration over the Department of Education's budget allocations, highlighting discrepancies between stated goals and actual expenditures. - Krishnan points out the conflict between statutory obligations …



107 sec


How much will the Department of Education spend on lowering class sizes over the next few years?

The Department of Education intends to spend between $1.4 billion to $1.9 billion over the next three to five years on lowering class sizes, though next year's budget is still …



3 min


Are 2708 full-time teachers projected to be lost in the next 2 years, and how will this impact the need for more teachers?

The First Deputy Chancellor of the Department of Education is unsure about the projection of losing 2708 full-time teachers and states it is not aligned with their HR projection. - …



48 sec


What are the challenges in rapidly hiring teachers for NYC schools?

The challenge in rapidly hiring teachers for NYC schools lies in the potential budget reallocations and unintended consequences. - Hiring early is beneficial, but additional recruitment faces fiscal and spatial …



3 min


What are the policies on enrollment caps for NYC public schools, and how does this affect principals?

NYC Public Schools have not decided to implement enrollment caps for the upcoming year, preferring to maintain family choice. - Enrollment caps at some schools may be necessary in the …



67 sec


Can principals repurpose budgets for smaller student enrollments, and how does it affect school programs?

Principals have the autonomy to repurpose their school budgets, but significant reductions in student enrollments can jeopardize specialized programs due to budget constraints. - Principals can reallocate their school budgets …



162 sec


What are the Department of Education's views on conflicts arising from colocations of charter and public schools?

The Department of Education (DOE) acknowledges space constraints in NYC and the legal mandates requiring them to accommodate charter schools, either by providing space in public school buildings or offering …



168 sec


Has the Department of Education (DOE) discussed city funding for class size reduction with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)?

Emma Vadehra confirms ongoing discussions with OMB about various funding needs, including class size reduction. - Ongoing discussions with OMB focus on various funding needs of the DOE. - Class …



41 sec


How is your office sustaining programs losing federal funding?

Emma Vadehra explains that New York City Public Schools is navigating budget constraints to sustain essential programs with city funds and ongoing discussions. - New York City Public Schools does …



55 sec


How does the DOE calculate the teacher need for class size compliance, and why does it differ from the IBO's estimate?

The Department of Education (DOE) explains their methodology in calculating the need for 10,000 to 12,000 teachers for class size law compliance, which differs from the Independent Budget Office's (IBO) …



90 sec


What are the Department of Education's funding priorities beyond class size reduction?

The Department of Education prioritizes securing funding for programs supported by disappearing federal stimulus dollars. - The replacement of federal stimulus dollars for the Summer Rising program is highlighted as …



44 sec


What is the New York City Department of Education's plan for future program funding?

The New York City Department of Education lacks a detailed plan for future program funding but prioritizes reading proficiency, career pathways, and maintaining federally mandated programs. - The Department of …



117 sec


What proposals from the Class Size Working Group report does the Department of Education plan to adopt, and what is the timeline?

The Department of Education plans to adopt several proposals from the Class Size Working Group report, but the timeline varies based on the specific proposals and requires CSA and UFT …



93 sec


Why are specific locations for new schools missing in the 2025-2029 capital plan?

Nina Kubota explains that fluctuating enrollment and uncertainties about future real estate availability prevent specifying new school locations in the 2025-2029 capital plan. - Enrollment numbers fluctuate over time, causing …



77 sec


Is there collaboration between the NYC School Construction Authority and the Department of City Planning on determining school locations?

Nina Kubota clarifies that while there is collaboration with City Planning on matters like rezoning and updating the housing multiplier, the decision on where to build schools does not involve …



42 sec


How will the DOE address overcrowding in schools using the working group's recommendations?

The Department of Education considers capping enrollment as a method to address overcrowded schools using the working group's recommendations. - Compliance with the working group's recommendations could involve capping enrollment …



81 sec


Can successful school programs be duplicated in nearby schools to utilize available space?

The Department of Education discusses efforts to replicate successful programs in under-enrolled schools to attract families and face challenges in altering parent preferences for certain prestigious schools. - Superintendents are …



153 sec


How many NYC schools have the space to lower class sizes to the mandated level, and what factors affect this capability?

Approximately 1000 New York City schools have the space to meet the class size cap, but lack the budget to hire additional teachers. - The initial inquiry focuses on the …



53 sec


How will New York City Public Schools retain staff and meet class size mandates with expiring federal funds?

Emma Vadehra explains that New York City Public Schools cannot support certain programs within the current budget and are looking for additional city and state funds. - Federal stimulus dollars …



52 sec


Will current funding for class size reduction and teacher hiring be sufficient?

Current funding for class size reduction is inadequate for expanding compliance, and more budget allocation towards teacher hiring is considered. - Current funding will maintain, but not increase, compliance with …



124 sec


How will New York City Public Schools meet class size benchmarks with reduced funding?

The NYC School Construction Authority details plans to meet class size benchmarks despite a $2 billion reduction in new capacity funding compared to the previous capital plan. - The current …



5 min


What projects are being rolled into the new capital plan for schools?

Nina Kubota specifies four projects, including Medgarvers High School NX, that are rolled into the 2025-2029 NYC School Construction Authority capital plan. - Kubota confirms a list of projects being …



41 sec


Are there unfinished capacity projects from the current plan not funded in the FY 2025-2029 capital plan?

Nina Kubota confirms that there are capacity projects from the current plan that are unfinished and not included in the FY 2025-2029 capital plan. - Council Member Rita C. Joseph …



12 sec


Is the proposed FY 25 capital plan compliant with state and city law despite transparency concerns?

The NYC School Construction Authority (SCA) affirms the FY 25 capital plan is compliant with law, detailing transparency in site selection and public engagement processes. - SCA President Nina Kubota …



59 sec


Are students invited to have their voices heard in school-related decisions?

Students are legally required to be represented in decisions relating to school construction, and their participation is highly valued. - Superintendent Khalek Kirkland confirms that students are legally required to …



34 sec


Khalek Kirkland, Superintendent, District 23 on School Infrastructure and Attendance Improvements in Brownsville and Beyond

Khalek Kirkland discusses the transformative school infrastructure improvements in Brownsville and their extension to other districts, alongside strategies to boost attendance. - Discusses wide-ranging infrastructure improvements, including water fountains, bathrooms, …



114 sec


Will school lunch cuts be restored and how can budget limitations affect school meals in NYC?

Council members discuss the impact of school lunch cuts and the challenges of meeting the diverse needs of students within budget constraints. - Council Member Rita C. Joseph emphasizes the …



74 sec


How is NYC addressing teacher and staff shortages to comply with the smaller class size mandate and support students with disabilities?

The NYC Department of Education is implementing various strategies to address teacher and staff shortages and ensure compliance with the smaller class size mandate, particularly for students with disabilities. - …



171 sec


Rita C. Joseph on the Accessibility and Proximity of Educational Programs to Students

Rita C. Joseph and Dan Weisberg discuss the importance of making educational programs accessible and close to students' homes to avoid long commutes and ensure compliance with accessibility laws. - …



79 sec


How many high schools currently offer programs for students interested in becoming teachers, and what are the plans for expansion?

The Department of Education is planning to expand the number of high schools offering programs for students interested in becoming teachers as part of the Future Ready NYC initiative. - …



68 sec


How does the DOE track and aim to increase the number of graduates who become teachers in NYC?

The Department of Education tracks postsecondary success of graduates, particularly those aiming to become teachers in New York City, and plans to increase this number through strategic partnerships and programming. …



111 sec


How many students are enrolled in the bilingual people service program, and what efforts has the DOE made to promote it?

There are approximately 50 students enrolled in the bilingual people service program. - The current enrollment for the bilingual people service program is around 50 students. - The council member …



23 sec


How does NYC plan to recruit teachers externally following the Dominican Republic controversy?

NYC's Department of Education seeks innovative solutions for external teacher recruitment, emphasizing the development of a diverse and robust pipeline despite past challenges. - Recent efforts in international recruitment, especially …



90 sec


How much funding does the NYC Public Schools need from the state to avoid program cuts?

The NYC Public Schools require an estimated $1.4 to $1.9 billion for expenses and $22 to $27 billion for capital to prevent program cuts. - The estimation for expenses is …



38 sec


What are the set cost caps for school construction and updates on the 2020 census data impact?

The School Construction Authority (SCA) provides clarification on state reimbursement rates, cost caps for school construction, and updates regarding the 2020 census data. - Cost caps are set at approximately …



3 min


Michael Sill, Assistant Secretary, United Federation of Teachers on Challenges in Implementing the State Class Size Law in NYC

Michael Sill highlights the difficulties encountered in the execution of the state class size law for New York City Schools, criticizing the Department of Education and City Hall for sabotaging …



7 min


Educator from Edward R. Murrow High School Advocates for Smaller Class Sizes in New York City Public Schools

An educator from Edward R. Murrow High School cites studies and personal experience to advocate for smaller class sizes in New York City public schools. - Begins with a personal …



4 min


Dale Kelly on the Implementation Challenges of New York's Class Size Law

Dale Kelly, First Vice President of the Council of School Supervisors and Administrators, testifies on the implementation challenges of New York's new class size law. - Kelly acknowledges the positive …



4 min


Fernando Alvarez, 4th Grade Teacher in East Harlem, on the Challenges of Increased Class Sizes and Maintaining Student-Teacher Relationships

Fernando Alvarez shares his personal experience with the challenges of increased class sizes and maintaining student-teacher relationships. - Alvarez taught a hybrid and synchronous 3rd grade class during the 2020-2021 …



174 sec


What are the real numbers regarding the cost for more school seats, and what challenges hinder obtaining them?

The United Federation of Teachers represents challenges in verifying the reported cost for additional school seats due to a lack of transparency and the absence of a detailed capital plan. …



57 sec


Dale Kelly, First Vice President of the Council of School Supervisors and Administrators on School Space and Class Size Data Concerns

Dale Kelly discusses the inaccuracies in data regarding school space and class size provided to the Council of School Supervisors and Administrators. - Kelly emphasizes the need for more accurate …



3 min


Educator at Edward R. Murrow High School on the Impact of Budget Cuts on Performing Arts Programs

An educator from Edward R. Murrow High School discusses the detrimental effect of budget cuts on its performing arts program. - The school's performing arts program, including achievements like hosting …



108 sec


Fernando Alvarez, 4th Grade Teacher in East Harlem, on the Loss of Arts Programs and Charter School Disparities Due to Budget Cuts

Fernando Alvarez highlights the detrimental impact of budget cuts on arts education and the disparities between charter and public schools. - Alvarez, a 4th grade teacher, shares his experience of …



102 sec


Michael Sill, Assistant Secretary of the United Federation of Teachers, on Charter Schools and Class Size Compliance

Michael Sill addresses charter school density's relation to class size compliance in New York City's public schools. - Sill discusses compliance data and proposes overlaying this with charter density information. …



76 sec


Leonie Haimson, Executive Director of Class Size Matters, on DOE's Policies on Class Sizes and Lack of Transparency

Leonie Haimson criticizes the Department of Education's (DOE) failure to reduce class sizes and its violation of transparency laws. - Haimson questions the DOE's claim that higher needs schools have …



4 min


Michael Ransom, Representative of Class Size Matters, on Troubling Discrepancies in Class Size Compliance Across NYC Schools

Michael Ransom addresses the City Council on the disparities in class size compliance, particularly in high-need schools, and suggests several unheeded recommendations to address these issues. - Details data showing …



178 sec


Navid Hassan on Proposals and Impacts of Reducing Class Sizes in NYC Public Schools

Navid Hassan testifies on the importance of reducing class sizes in NYC public schools and the impacts on student welfare, education, and socioeconomic integration. - Hassan, a parent and co-chair …



162 sec


What discrepancies exist between the IBO and DOE's estimates for teacher staffing and costs, and how does this impact class sizes?

The Executive Director of Class Size Matters discusses discrepancies between the Independent Budget Office (IBO) and the Department of Education (DOE) on teacher staffing and cost estimates, criticizing the DOE's …



3 min


Dwayne Maruel on the Impact of the Class Size Law on High-Need Schools in District 27, Queens

Dwayne Maruel, a parent and activist, expresses concerns about the negative impacts of a uniform class size law on high-need schools, particularly PS 105 in Far Rockaway, District 27, Queens. …



3 min


April Blanding on the Unintended Impacts of NYC's Class Size Reduction Law on High-Need Schools

April Blanding shares her mixed feelings about NYC's class size reduction law, focusing on its potential negative effects on high-need schools. - Born and raised in NYC, Blanding now lives …



4 min


Member of the Public on Challenges and Consequences of Reducing Class Sizes in High-Poverty School Districts

A member of the public discusses the potential negative impacts of reducing class sizes on high-poverty school districts, using Brownsville as an example. - Expresses surprise at learning the Department …



5 min


Rita Joseph on Enhancements to Education Funding and Teacher Support

Rita C. Joseph addresses improvements in education funding, fair student funding formula revision, and teacher support under her leadership. - Discusses the implementation of a state law in phases to …



144 sec


Anita Brown, Resident of East New York on the New Class Size Bill and its Impact on Low-Performing Schools

Anita Brown, a resident of East New York, voices her concerns over the recently implemented class size bill, fearing it will further disadvantage low-performing schools. - Brown expresses her disappointment …



4 min


Steven Stowe on the Proposed Amendment to the Class Size Law

Steven Stowe presents a compromise on the class size law, advocating for its amendment due to potential negative impacts on specialty classrooms, immigrant families, and educational equity. - Stowe proposes …



4 min


Lupe Hernandez on Challenges in Special Education Class Size and Funding Allocation

Lupe Hernandez highlights the challenges in class size and funding allocation for special education within New York City schools. - Hernandez is a New York City parent and sits on …



5 min


Why are new schools in District 20 not the solution to overutilization, and what reform does Steven Stowe propose?

Steven Stowe emphasizes the need for reforming the School Construction Authority's (SCA) procedures over simply opening new schools, which he believes won't address District 20's overutilization issue. - Stowe suggests …



76 sec


Johanna Garcia, Co-chair, Class Size Working Groups on Implementing the New State Class Size Law

Johanna Garcia testifies on the challenges and recommendations for implementing New York's new state class size law. - Garcia, serving as co-chair and a parent, emphasizes smaller class sizes for …



4 min


Amy Tsai, Member of the Public on Overcrowding in NYC Public Schools and Call for Effective Class Size Reduction

Amy Tsai highlights the need for effective class size reduction in the NYC public school system, particularly in the Bronx Northwest Community School District 10. - Tsai, a parent of …



3 min


Venus Sze-Tsang on the Class Size Law's Implementation and Concerns

Venus Sze-Tsang testifies about the complexities and unintended consequences of implementing the class size reduction law, expressing concerns over potential negative impacts on students and the education system. - Sze-Tsang …



4 min


Paullette Healy on Class Size Mandates and Infrastructure Needs in NYC Schools

Paullette Healy, a member of the public and District 75 parent, highlights the need for class size mandates and school infrastructure reforms in NYC. - Emphasizes the positive impact of …



5 min


Tanisha Grant, Executive Director of Parents Supporting Parents New York, on the Educational Impacts of Large Class Sizes and Insufficient Administration

Tanisha Grant discusses the detriment large class sizes and insufficient administration have on students' education, using her son's negative educational experience at Eagle Academy in Harlem as an example. - …



3 min


Maggie Sanchez on the Consequences of Not Following the 2022 Class Size Law for Students with Disabilities

Maggie Sanchez, as a parent of a student with autism and Public Advocate for the Citywide Council of Special Education, highlights the detrimental effects of not adhering to the 2022 …



139 sec


Adriana Alethea on Addressing De Facto Segregation and Ensuring Education Equity in NYC Public Schools

Adriana Alethea, a New York City public school parent and CDC member in Community School District 28 in Queens, calls for action against de facto segregation and for education equity. …



162 sec


Johanna Bjorken, Parent in Sunset Park, on Compliance with the Class Size Law and its Financial Implications

Johanna Bjorken testifies on the urgency of complying with the class size mandate and the financial challenges it presents. - Johanna is a parent and was part of the class …



3 min


Olympia Kazi on Improving Public School Quality and Addressing DOE's Lack of Constructive Plans

Olympia Kazi criticizes the Department of Education's (DOE) approach to improving public school quality and its unconstructive stance towards addressing educational challenges. - Kazi shares her experience as a parent …



171 sec


Debbie Kross on the Impact of Mandated Small Class Sizes in NYC High Schools

Debbie Kross, a parent and president of the Citywide Council on High School, discusses the adverse effects of mandated small class sizes in New York City high schools. - Kross …



3 min pigeon logo

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