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Will the automated notification process for family arrivals at PATH be implemented?



133 sec

The Department of Social Services is working on implementing an automated notification process for family arrivals at PATH, aiming to enhance tracking and assure quality.

  • Currently, the tracking system involves issuing tickets and limited tracking points through the journey.
  • The goal is to automate the early morning notification of family arrivals to improve efficiency.
  • The new system is designed to support staff by reducing manual documentation processes.
  • Although the system is still in development stages, it intends to significantly strengthen the manual tracking process.
Diana I. Ayala
And the BOI recommended that they be an automated process for notifying path, leadership, housing emergency referral options, unit, management and DHS DSS leadership at 4 AM each morning of the of the number of families who arrived at the path or we go at or before 10 PM and we'll remain at path.
And if the number is greater than 0, the current shelter assignment status of each family.
Will this be implemented?
Molly Wasow Park
So we're certainly working on how that tracking gets gets built into the overall system development that we're doing, I think we wanna make sure that there is opportunity for, you know, quality assurance in that as well.
But absolutely part of what we are doing is making sure that staff are fully trained with the tools that we have now and then the tools that we ultimately build on what escalation looks like, should there ever be another incident?
Diana I. Ayala
So those tracking mechanisms that were found and they were not in in in place.
They're still not in place.
So how are you tracking them now?
What's different from what you're doing now than what was being done then?
Molly Wasow Park
So we have some level of tracking system now.
You know, people do get a ticket when they come in and it is it's a more limited number of points through the journey.
So we're we're fleshing that out.
We're building it.
But the process of who is in the building at 4 o'clock in the morning is fairly manual.
We are you know, it does depend on talking to people.
So I think with the more evolved system that you and I just spoke about, that we'll be able to to strengthen that significantly.
Diana I. Ayala
Would that be more would would that eliminate the burden of the human person that's actually now manually, you know, submitting the documentation from having to do that because I'm just yeah.
Molly Wasow Park
Speculating a little bit here because it's a system that is is still in its, you know, design requirement stage, but certainly using to support staff rather than make their lives more complicated is something that we always look to do. pigeon logo

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