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What are the primary languages in need of translation services in NYC, and how does the city address language accessibility for immigrant communities?



3 min

The Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) identifies Chinese and Spanish as the two most needed languages for translation services, with initiatives to address gaps and improve language access policies.

  • Chinese and Spanish are highlighted as the top languages in need of translation and interpretation services.
  • Over 200 languages are spoken in NYC, with an academic source citing up to 800, presenting significant challenges in language service provision.
  • The Commissioner shares an example of addressing language service gaps during a Bronx fire involving Wolof-speaking residents, highlighting efforts to improve services for languages of limited diffusion.
  • MOIA has conducted a survey among 68 community-based organizations to assess their translation and interpretation services.
  • Efforts to ensure language access in emergency responses include deploying staff, providing recommendations, and collaborating with agencies interacting with immigrant communities, such as the NYPD.
Alexa Avilés
And what which languages are mostly a native translation interpretation that you're seeing right now?
Manuel Castro
Well, in general, what we have top 10 languages in general, obviously Chinese and Spanish are the two languages that are most in need for these services.
But we often say over 200 languages are are spoken in New York City, most recently in academic, put that number at 800.
So again, in berries.
But the the top 2 languages are certain Chinese and Spanish.
Alexa Avilés
Got it.
And in terms of in terms of where the most significant gaps obviously with 800 languages or even 200, that's enormous, but we are seeing communities particularly African migrants speaking, all kinds of languages.
Are you are you seeing any particular gaps that have been really challenging to fill or respond to rather not.
Manuel Castro
In fact, first day at the job, I I responded to the Bronx fire, you know, where a large community of Wolloff Speaker residents lived.
And throughout the the sounds like of humanitarian crisis, we've seen languages that did limited diffusion such as World of present at our in our system.
We hired as part of our language access team, we did hired someone to look specifically add issues to do with languages of limited diffusion to think through policy and and technical support.
Systems that other agencies might need.
And of course, you know, we're now mandated to report on local law 6.
So we've recently completed a survey of 68 CVO's across New York City to assess their translation interpretation services.
Alexa Avilés
And are there what are some concrete examples of existing city language learning and acts us policies or programs for new immigrants that could be improved from your estimation.
Manuel Castro
Well, we just spoke about, again, when we're managing crises, often, you know, the the you know, first first work to be done is to respond to the crises, we then step in such as case with the application help center and with the humanitarian emergency response centers to make sure that language access policies are followed through, and our team is working actively with with that staff to make sure the language access is is provided.
And it's been a work in progress, but we've made quite a lot of progress.
We've deployed our staff to both spaces.
Would provide a recommendations, and we're working through the challenges there.
You know, we we work very closely with all agencies that interact with immigrant communities.
We work closely with the NYPD, for instance, and and others to to think about ways that they can improve their language ACCESS IN EMERGONE COMMUNITIES. pigeon logo

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