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Greg Morris, CEO of the New York City Employment and Training Coalition, on Enhancing Workforce Development Through Technology and Economic Development
139 sec
Greg Morris advocates for the integration of technology and economic development in workforce strategies to ensure equitable opportunities and inclusivity.
- Emphasizes the coalition's role as the leading voice for workforce development providers in New York City.
- Stresses the critical intersection of technology and economic development for job training that leads to employment pathways.
- Proposes a blueprint for an inclusive economy in New York City, focusing on tracking progress in building a tech talent ecosystem.
- Advocates for investment in 'bridge to tech' programs for adults and emphasizes the importance of digital literacy to prevent a digital divide.
Greg Morris
Good afternoon.
Thank you, Chair, for making this time.
I do appreciate the opportunity to speak to the committee.
My name is Greg Morris.
I am CEO of the New York City Employment Drain Coalition, the largest city based workforce development association in the country.
We serve as the industry voice of workforce development providers in the city, serving a couple 100,000 New Yorkers every year.
It's our coalition that's relied upon to connect New Yorkers of all ages and every borough.
To quality jobs and living wage.
Part of that expectation is to serve to track the value and impact of job readiness and training, serve as a resource to employers, and advocate for the budgetary legislative regulatory actions required to maximize access to opportunity.
I'm here because There are 2 committees where I think are absolutely essential to thinking about our workforce development, and that is technology.
And its economic development.
It's the intersection of those two pieces of the puzzle which ensure that there is access and opportunity and a pathway to inclusivity and equity for those seeking job training that leads to employment pathways, not just in tech, although we know that tech jobs cut across the sector in total.
I wanted to be here today to say a few things, and that is we know that the tech ecosystem is a driving force for economic development across the entire city.
Offering highways jobs, but diversity remains essential complexity and issue.
While my testimony has more to say about this, 3 recommendations.
1 would be 1st and foremost that the blueprint for an inclusive economy in New York City, which is focused on how it is that our city thinks about job opportunities is something that I think it would be valuable for this committee to think about tracking progress as we build a tech talent ecosystem.
As a reminder, there is no workforce development committee within the city council.
So the value that you place on tracking progress towards outcomes for New Yorkers to find pathways to technology related jobs and opportunity is critical.
In addition, I believe in investment or maximizing access to a bridge to tech type program for adult seekers of technology pathways is critical.
We have not seen investment in adult pathways.
We need that.
And of course, as you flagged, digital literacy matters more than ever there should not be a digital vibe in New York City.
Thank you.