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How does the AI action plan aim to serve new workers in New York City?



109 sec

The AI action plan is designed to embrace new technologies and guide the city’s investments in artificial intelligence to serve broader interests.

  • The plan aims to build a consortium of external and internal stakeholders, including the industry.
  • It focuses on guiding investments in artificial intelligence towards rational and broad-based benefits.
  • New York City has been investing in AI and AI-like tools, especially in cybersecurity, where it effectively handles a vast number of cyber threats through AI.
  • The AI action plan includes using technology like city chatbots to support small businesses in launching operations in the city.
  • The ultimate goal is to ensure investments in AI serve the best interest of the most people.
Jennifer Gutiérrez
Now I just wanna look into some exciting announcement from OTIs certainly regarding the AI action plan.
He briefly provide an overview of the plan at how it aims to better serve new workers?
Matthew Fraser
So I think as a city, one of the things that we've done very much like creating the office of tech and innovation is we wanna ensure we embrace new technologies, we do it in our satan rational way.
Now I'm sure many of you have heard artificial intelligence and, you know, some of some of you if you're a child of not to date myself, but if you're a child of the eighties, you might think Terminator, you might think something like that was still a little ways away from that.
But as a city, the AI action plans it's positioned to help us build a con help us help us build a consortium both from external stakeholders, industry, and internal stakeholders.
And help guide our investments in the artificial intelligence space.
The city is no stranger to AI.
I mean, we've invested in AI and AI like tools for for the better part of the last decade.
The most evident place where you can see that is around cybersecurity.
Our weekly average in terms cyber threats is around 90,000,000,000.
We take that 90,000,000,000 and we still that down to less less than 50 things that anyone looks at, and then we do that all through artificial intelligence.
In addition to that, I mentioned earlier that my city chatbot, you know, the first foray out was to help our small business community and figure out how they can get a business launched in the city.
The AI action plan and the committee's surrounding plan will continue to look at the things that are in the AI portfolio.
To make sure that whenever we invest in, there's some rational investments and they go to serve the best the best interest of the most people. pigeon logo

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