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New York City Council

Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises

Mar 12, 2024


11:00 AM

3 hr 49 min


A hearing on several zoning and development proposals across New York City:

  • The 30-11 12th Street rezoning in Astoria, Queens to allow for a mixed-use residential development with affordable housing
  • The 23-01 Steinway Street rezoning in Astoria to facilitate mixed-use residential development
  • The 341 10th Street rezoning and special permit in Park Slope, Brooklyn for two new residential buildings and rehabilitation of an existing building
  • The 396-400 Avenue X rezoning in Gravesend, Brooklyn for a mixed-use residential development
  • The Willets Point Phase 2 development in Queens.

Notably, the Willets Point project includes:

  • Approximately 1,400 residential units
  • A new 25,000-seat soccer stadium for New York City FC
  • A 250-room hotel
  • Affordable housing
  • Public open space

Discussions covered affordability levels, environmental remediation, infrastructure improvements, community benefits, union labor commitments, flood resilience, parking considerations, and economic impacts.

Meeting chapters

Read summaries and watch videos for short segments that matter to you.


Council Member Riley introduces the Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchise meeting agenda

Council Member Kevin Riley, chair of the Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchise, opens the meeting by welcoming attendees and introducing committee members. He outlines the agenda for the day, which …



57 sec


Council Member Kevin Riley introduces the day's hearings on various development proposals

Council Member Kevin Riley provides an overview of the five hearings scheduled for the day, covering various residential and mixed-use development proposals across different NYC boroughs. - The hearings include …



33 sec


Opening of public hearing on 30-11 12th Street Rezoning proposal in Astoria, Queens

Council Member Kevin Riley opens the first public hearing on the 30-11 12th Street Rezoning proposal in Council Member Cabán's district, Astoria, Queens. The hearing covers a rezoning request for …



123 sec


Introduction of the applicant team and project

Richard Lobel from Sheldon Lobel PC introduces the applicant team for the land use proposal. The team includes Michael Bivis, the project applicant and architect, and Noah Bernstein from AKRF …



15 sec


Overview of requested zoning actions

The applicant is seeking two main actions: a rezoning to allow for R6A and R6A C2-3 districts, and an amendment to appendix F for mandatory inclusionary housing. These actions would …



47 sec


Proposed development details

The proposed development is an 8-story, mixed-use building with residential and commercial components. It would include affordable housing units and parking spaces for both residential and commercial use. - 62,000 …



29 sec


Approval process and timeline

The proposal has gone through several stages of the approval process, receiving support from various bodies. The Community Board, Queens Borough President, and City Planning Commission have all voted in …



26 sec


Site context and zoning analysis

The presentation provides an overview of the site's current zoning, surrounding context, and rationale for the proposed rezoning. The area features varied zoning districts and good transportation access. - Current …



159 sec


Architectural aspects and building design

Michael Beavis, the architect, presents the building's design features, including the site plan, floor layouts, and amenities. The building is designed to fit within the context of the surrounding area. …



93 sec


Summary and conclusion of the proposal

Richard Lobel concludes the presentation by summarizing the key points of the proposal and its appropriateness for the area. He emphasizes the current underutilization of the site and the benefits …



44 sec


Council member inquires about flood zone status and sustainability measures for the development

Council Member Kevin Riley inquires about the flood zone status of the development area and requests details on sustainability measures, particularly regarding flood-proofing. Michael Beavis, the architect, provides information on …



51 sec


Council member questions zoning designation and commercial plans for the development

Council Member Kevin Riley inquires about the reasons for requesting an R6A zoning designation within the C2-3 commercial overlay and asks about plans for the commercial space in the building. …



98 sec


Discussion on MIH options for the proposed development

Council Member Cabán inquires about the developer's willingness to proceed with MIH option 1 if the proposal is modified. The developers explain their preference for keeping both options 1 and …



157 sec


Discussion on parking spaces in the proposed development

Council Member Cabán questions the necessity of 41 parking spaces in the development, given the area's public transit options. The developers explain that the parking spaces meet the minimum zoning …



151 sec


Discussion on pedestrian safety and infrastructure improvements

Council Member Cabán inquires about the developer's willingness to work with the Department of Transportation (DOT) to implement pedestrian safety features at the five-way intersection near the development site. The …



56 sec


Addressing local issues and community involvement in the development

Council Member Cabán raises concerns about local issues in the Welling Court area and inquires about the developer's willingness to participate in community art projects. The developers express their commitment …



60 sec


Council Member Riley introduces public hearing on Steinway Street rezoning

Council Member Kevin Riley opens the second public hearing on the Steinway Street rezoning proposal in Astoria, part of Council Member Caban's district. He outlines the purpose of the rezoning …



62 sec


Introduction and overview of the 2301 Steinway Street rezoning proposal

Richard Lobel from Sheldon Lobel PC introduces the 2301 Steinway Street rezoning proposal to the City Council. He is joined by Kevin Williams from GCA Environmental to present on land …



25 sec


Details of the proposed rezoning for 2301 Steinway Street

The proposal seeks to rezone corners of 4 intersections within Queens Community Board 1 from R5D to R6A with a C2-4 commercial overlay. This rezoning would facilitate the development of …



43 sec


Specifics of the proposed development at 2301 Steinway Street

The proposed development would be a six-story, 27,000 square foot building with a 3.6 FAR. It would include 22 dwelling units, of which 6 would be affordable under the Permanent …



30 sec


Area context and zoning considerations for the rezoning proposal

The presentation provides context for the rezoning proposal, highlighting the appropriateness of the requested changes given the surrounding area characteristics. The site is located at the intersection of two wide …



86 sec


Current conditions of the property at 2301 Steinway Street

The existing property at 2301 Steinway Street currently houses a one-story auto body repair shop and a restaurant. The auto repair shop is a legal but nonconforming use under the …



31 sec


Proposed building design and layout for 2301 Steinway Street

The presentation concludes with details about the proposed building design and layout. The new structure would have varied heights, including six-story, one-story, and four-story portions, to transition to lower density …



69 sec


Discussion on current zoning and proposed rezoning for development

Council Member Kevin Riley inquires about the possibility of developing under the current R5D zoning. Richard Lobel, the attorney, explains why they are requesting R6A zoning instead of developing under …



81 sec


Inquiry about proposed commercial use in the development

Council Member Kevin Riley asks about the type of business proposed for the commercial level of the building. Richard Lobel, the attorney, responds with potential options for the space. - …



24 sec


Discussion on development options and parking spaces for 23-01 Steinway Street rezoning

Council Member Tiffany Cabán and Attorney Richard Lobel discuss the development options and parking spaces for the 23-01 Steinway Street rezoning proposal. They explore the possibility of developing under MIH …



94 sec


Current occupancy and relocation plans for 23-01 Steinway Street development site

Council Member Tiffany Cabán inquires about the current occupancy of the 23-01 Steinway Street development site and the relocation plans for existing tenants. Attorney Richard Lobel provides information on the …



66 sec


Council Member Kevin Riley opens public hearing on Park Slope rezoning proposal

Council Member Kevin Riley opens the third public hearing on a rezoning proposal and special permit for 341 10th Street in Park Slope, Brooklyn. He provides an overview of the …



84 sec


Council Member Alexa Aviles discusses the 341 10th Street project and affordability concerns

Council Member Alexa Aviles presents her thoughts on the 341 10th Street project in Park Slope, Brooklyn. She acknowledges the need for affordable housing in the area but expresses concerns …



3 min


Introduction of applicant panel for the 341 10th Street project

The council transitions to hearing from the applicant team for the 341 10th Street project. Council staff calls the applicant panel and administers the oath to prepare for their testimony. …



70 sec


Introduction and presentation overview

Richard Lobel introduces the 341 10th Street rezoning and large scale special permits project. He outlines the structure of the presentation, mentioning that different team members will discuss various aspects …



31 sec


Zoning changes and proposed development overview

Richard Lobel explains the four main actions in the application, including zoning changes, mandatory inclusionary housing, and special permits. He then provides an overview of the proposed development, which includes …



5 min


Architectural challenges and design solutions

Paul Healy from Marvel Design discusses the site's historical context, architectural challenges, and proposed design solutions. He explains how the new buildings will restore the street wall and address the …



4 min


Affordability and housing mix

Benjamin Rubenstein explains the project's approach to affordability, detailing the mix of units across the three buildings. He highlights how the proposal exceeds the minimum affordability requirements. - 63% of …



148 sec


Community benefits and open space

Karen Hernandez from Stellar Management presents the community benefits of the project, focusing on the creation of shared open space and amenities. She emphasizes the goal of creating a diverse, …



163 sec


Council member inquires about the evolution of the 341 10th street housing proposal

Council Member Kevin Riley asks Benjamin Rubenstein to explain how their housing proposal evolved over time. Rubenstein details the progression from MIH option 1 to a more complex arrangement involving …



166 sec


Discussion about potential MTA elevator entrance at the 341 10th street development site

Council Member Kevin Riley inquires about discussions with the MTA regarding the potential for incorporating a new elevator entrance to the subway station on the site. Benjamin Rubenstein confirms that …



29 sec


Discussion on the workforce option for the 341 10th Street building

Council Member Alexa Aviles questions representatives from Stellar Management and Sheldon Lobel PC about the workforce option for the 10th Street building. The discussion covers the borough president's suggestion to …



4 min


Discussion on the Article 11 regulatory agreement and building rehabilitation

Council Member Alexa Aviles inquires about the Article 11 regulatory agreement and the proposed rehabilitation of 341 10th Street. Representatives from Stellar Management provide details on the agreement's terms, renovation …



3 min


Discussion on shadow impacts of 341 10th street

Council Member Alexa Aviles questions Alex Lieber from AKRF about the shadow impacts of the new development as shown in the environmental assessment statement. Lieber explains the assessment process and …



153 sec


Testimony by Andrew St. Laurent, Attorney at Harris St. Laurent and Wechsler Law Firm, on Construction Project Impacts of 341 10th Street

Andrew St. Laurent testifies about the potential disruptions and impacts of a construction project over an MTA tunnel. He emphasizes the difficulties of the site and the likely disruption to …



104 sec


Testimony by Christina, Visual Artist, on Neighborhood Impact of 341 10th Street

Christina, a visual artist, presents concerns about the impact of the 341 10th street on her neighborhood, particularly focusing on street sizes and vermin issues. She uses visual aids to …



126 sec


Testimony by Ravi Sharma on Opposition to 341 10th Street Rezoning

Ravi Sharma, a 9th Street resident for over a decade, strongly opposes the 341 10th Street rezoning and LSGD special purpose applications by Stellar Management. He urges the committee to …



141 sec


Testimony by Barry Sloan on the 341 10th Street Development

Barry Sloan, a 15-year resident of 341 10th Street, expresses support for new building developments in his neighborhood. He believes these developments will attract more families and improve the area's …



23 sec


Testimony by Michelle de la Uz, Executive Director of 5th Avenue Committee, on Affordable Housing in the 341 10th Street Development

Michelle de la Uz, Executive Director of 5th Avenue Committee, testifies in support of a proposed affordable housing development. She explains the organization's mission and their involvement in land use …



118 sec


Testimony by Ellie Spicer on Proposed Development at 341 10th Street

Ellie Spicer, a long-time resident of 10th Street, testifies against the proposed development by Stellar at 341 10th Street. She expresses concerns about the lack of genuine affordability and the …



121 sec


Testimony by Ira Robbins, Retired Senior Citizen, on the 341 10th Street Development

Ira Robbins, a retired senior citizen and long-time resident of 10th Street, testifies against a proposed 200-unit building development. He argues that the street is unprepared for such a large …



134 sec


Testimony by Amanda Trotman on Stellar Property Management Issues

Amanda Trotman provides testimony criticizing Stellar Property Management for their poor management practices and the negative impact on tenants. She highlights issues such as bad plumbing, lack of hot water, …



127 sec


Testimony by Hunter Walker on Stellar Management's Zoning Variance Application for 341 10th Street

Hunter Walker, a lifelong Brooklynite, urges the subcommittee to reject Stellar Management's application for a zoning variance on his block. He criticizes the company's proposal, citing concerns about affordable housing …



3 min


Testimony by Carrie Bloss, Executive Director of Heights and Hills on the 341 10th Street Development

Carrie Bloss, Executive Director of Heights and Hills, testifies about the lack of affordable housing in New York City and its impact on older adults. She discusses her organization's mission …



87 sec


Testimony by Robert Hahn, Resident of Gualnis on the 341 10th Street Development

Robert Hahn, a resident of Gowanus, provides testimony on the ongoing neighborhood development across from the site in question. He discusses the transformation of industrial sites into livable buildings, increased …



106 sec


Testimony by Joaquin Chen, Resident of Prospect Towers on the 341 10th Street Development

Joaquin Chen, a longtime resident of Prospect Towers at 341 10th Street, expresses support for the new housing construction project. She acknowledges the potential benefits for the community and current …



29 sec


Testimony by Vielka Bonilla on Building-Related Issues (Spanish)

Vielka Bonilla testifies on the 341 10th Street development in Spanish.



22 sec


Testimony by Rhoda Beatty, Resident of 341 10th Street, on Stellar Management

Rhoda Beatty, a longtime resident of 341 10th Street, provides positive feedback about Stellar Management. She expresses satisfaction with their responsiveness to apartment repairs and concerns. - Beatty has never …



21 sec


Testimony by Hector Vale on Support for 341 10th Street

Hector Vale, a long-time resident, expresses support for a new housing development in his neighborhood. He emphasizes the need for positive change and the importance of having a nice neighborhood …



52 sec


Testimony by Ellie Spicer on the 341 10th Street Development (Spanish)

Ellie Spicer, a member of the public testifies in Spanish regarding the 341 10th Street development.



56 sec


Testimony by Aaron Crawford on Stellar Property Management

Aaron Crawford, a long-time resident of 341 10th Street, provides positive feedback on Stellar's property management. He expresses satisfaction with their repair services and elevator maintenance over his 25-year tenancy. …



19 sec


Testimony by Ramon Reyes, Union Member from 32BJ SEIU, on the 341 10th Street Development

Ramon Reyes, a union member of 32BJ SEIU, testifies in support of a residential development project. He highlights the potential job creation and labor standards that the project would uphold. …



90 sec


Testimony in Spanish on 341 10th Street Project

An individual testifies on the 341 10th street project in Spanish.



27 sec


Council Member Riley opens public hearing on Avenue X rezoning proposal

Council Member Kevin Riley opens the fourth public hearing on the rezoning proposal for 390 6-400 Avenue X in Council Member Brannan's district in Gravesend, Brooklyn. He explains that the …



59 sec


Introduction and proposal overview for 396-400 Avenue X rezoning

Neil Weisbard from Seyfarth Shaw introduces a proposal to rezone 396-400 Avenue X. The proposal includes amending zoning map 28c, changing an R4 residence district to an R7A residence district …



36 sec


Project area and development site description

The project area consists of three tax lots on the south side of Avenue X between East Second and East Third Street. The development site specifically includes lots 1 and …



37 sec


Zoning map change visualization

The presenter shows a visual representation of the proposed zoning map change. The existing R4 district within the Special Ocean Parkway District will be rezoned to an R7A district with …



17 sec


Appropriateness of rezoning and community support

The presenter argues for the appropriateness of the rezoning, citing community and official support. The proposal has received unanimous approval from Community Board 15, recommendation for approval from the Borough …



42 sec


Transportation access in the project area

The area is well-served by public transportation, including bus lines, subway access, and additional transit options. This accessibility supports the proposed development. - Bus lines cross through Avenue X - …



19 sec


Proposed development details and unit mix

The proposal outlines plans for a 7-story mixed-use building with residential and commercial spaces. The development will include affordable housing units and parking spaces as recommended by the community board. …



45 sec


Building height and adjacent district considerations

The proposed building will have a height of 75 feet, with special considerations for the area within 25 feet of the adjacent R4 district. A section of the proposed development …



20 sec


Resiliency measures in the proposed development

The proposed building will incorporate numerous resiliency measures to address potential flooding and environmental concerns. These measures aim to protect the building and its occupants from flood-related risks. - Dry …



32 sec


Sustainable elements incorporated in the project

The development will feature various sustainable elements to promote environmental responsibility and efficiency. These features aim to reduce the building's environmental impact and enhance its overall sustainability. - Active solar …



12 sec


Summary of zoning changes from R4 to R7A

The presenter outlines the key changes that will result from the proposed rezoning from R4 to R7A. These changes affect various aspects of the development potential for the site. - …



31 sec


Conclusion and availability for questions

The presenter concludes by mentioning that additional plans of the proposed development are available and that they are ready to answer any questions. An environmental consultant is also present to …



7 sec


Council member inquires about R7A Zoning District request

Council Member Kevin Riley asks the applicant to explain why they are requesting an R7A Zoning District instead of another zoning district. Neil Weisbard, an attorney from Seyfarth, responds by …



29 sec


Council member checks for public testimony and closes hearing

Council Member Kevin Riley checks for public testimony regarding the 396-400 Avenue X rezoning proposal. Finding no members of the public present or willing to testify, he closes the public …



53 sec


Council Member Kevin Riley opens hearing on Willis Point Phase 2 proposal

Council Member Kevin Riley opens the 5th and final hearing on preconceived land use relating to the Willis Point Phase 2 project in Queens. He introduces the proposal, which aims …



74 sec


Council Member Francisco Moya presents the Willets Point revitalization plan

Council Member Francisco Moya presents the Willets Point revitalization plan, highlighting its significance in addressing New York City's housing crisis. He details the project's scope, including 2,500 affordable housing units, …



162 sec


Introduction and overview of the Willets Point redevelopment project

Melissa Román Burch, COO of NYC Economic Development Corporation, introduces the Willets Point redevelopment project as a transformative initiative for a long-underserved community. The project aims to address environmental pollution …



89 sec


Project scope and phased development plan

Ethan Goodman, representing the development team, outlines the scope and phased approach of the Willets Point redevelopment project. The presentation covers the ongoing Phase 1 and the proposed Phase 2, …



119 sec


Site layout and architectural integration of the stadium

The presentation details the layout of the development parcels and emphasizes the architectural integration of the soccer stadium into the community. The design aims to create a cohesive urban environment …



140 sec


Zoning actions and community support for the project

Ethan Goodman outlines the five zoning actions required to facilitate the project and highlights the strong community and governmental support received. The actions include text amendments, special permits, and city …



86 sec


Affordable housing component and development team background

Frank Monterisi from Related Companies discusses the affordable housing component of the project and the development team's experience. He emphasizes the deep affordability levels and the team's commitment to the …



4 min


New York City Football Club's role and economic benefits of the stadium

Jennifer O'Sullivan, COO of New York City Football Club (NYCFC), presents the club's background and the economic benefits of the proposed stadium. She highlights the private investment and job creation …



176 sec


Community benefits and NYCFC's nonprofit initiatives

O'Sullivan outlines the community benefits associated with the stadium project and NYCFC's nonprofit initiatives. The stadium is presented as a community hub that will provide space for local groups and …



126 sec


Environmental considerations and sustainability goals for the stadium

The presentation concludes with a focus on environmental considerations and sustainability goals for the stadium project. NYCFC commits to addressing the site's history of environmental degradation and implementing sustainable practices. …



37 sec


Discussion on affordability levels for residential buildings in the project

Council Member Kevin Riley inquires about the specific breakdown of proposed affordability levels for the residential buildings in the project. Frank Monterisi from Related provides details on the AMI (Area …



96 sec


Details on the school site included in the development plan

Council Member Kevin Riley inquires about the details of the school site included in the development plan. Frank Monterisi from Related and Melissa Román Burch from NYC Economic Development Corporation …



87 sec


Discussion on the community activation fund and its accessibility

Council Member Kevin Riley inquires about the size of the community activation fund and how community members can access and use it. Jennifer O'Sullivan from New York City Football Club …



70 sec


Addressing noise concerns for residential buildings near stadiums

Council Member Kevin Riley raises concerns about noise cancellation and potential sleep disruption for residents living in the new buildings adjacent to two stadiums. Ethan Goodman from Fox Rothchild addresses …



86 sec


NYCFC's community programs in Queens

Council Member Francisco P. Moya inquires about the New York City Football Club's community programs in Queens. Jennifer O'Sullivan, Chief Operating Officer of NYCFC, details the club's extensive community involvement, …



3 min


NYCFC's partnerships and employment opportunities in Queens

Council Member Moya inquires about NYCFC's partnerships and employment opportunities for Queens residents. Jennifer O'Sullivan outlines the club's relationships with local universities, internship programs, and career workshops aimed at creating …



157 sec


Affordable housing in the Willets Point project

Council Member Moya inquires about the affordable housing component of the Willets Point project, particularly focusing on how it aligns with the lower AMI (Area Median Income) of areas like …



125 sec


Willets Point project's unique aspects compared to other sports arena developments

Frank Monterisi and Ethan Goodman highlight the unique aspects of the Willets Point project that differentiate it from other sports arena developments like Atlantic Yards. They emphasize the project's progress, …



151 sec


Testimony by Nelson Harring on Support for New York City FC Stadium

Nelson Harring, a Bronx native and long-time supporter of New York City FC, expresses his enthusiasm for the proposed stadium in Queens. He shares his personal journey of becoming a …



103 sec


Testimony by Oscar Garcia, New York City Football Club Fan, on Community Impact of NYCFC

Oscar Garcia, a longtime New York City Football Club (NYCFC) fan from Keystone, testifies in support of an NYCFC-related project. He emphasizes the club's commitment to community engagement and its …



124 sec


Testimony by Patrick Shields, Member of the 3rd Rail Supporters Club on New York City Football Club Stadium Project

Patrick Shields, a long-time advocate for MLS and soccer in New York City, expresses his support for the New York City Football Club stadium project. He emphasizes the importance of …



138 sec


Testimony by Brian Hunt on the Benefits of Union Labor in NYCFC Stadium Project

Brian Hunt testifies on the importance of union labor in community development projects, emphasizing its benefits beyond construction. He argues that union labor provides workers with dignity, a pathway to …



126 sec


Testimony by Jeanette Abbott, Pipefitter Apprentice from Enterprise Association of the NYCFC Stadium Project

Jeanette Abbott, a second-year apprentice pipefitter from Local 638, shares how union jobs have positively impacted her life and the community. She emphasizes the importance of union work in providing …



77 sec


Testimony by Ramon Reyes, Union Member of 32BJ SEIU on the NYCFC Stadium Project

Ramon Reyes, a union member of 32BJ SEIU, expresses support for the Willets Point project, highlighting its potential to generate quality jobs and economic growth in New York City. He …



102 sec


Testimony by Mildred Santana, Union Member from Hotel Gaming and Trades Council on Willets Point Project

Mildred Santana, a resident of Corona, Queens for 26 years, expresses support for the Willets Point project on behalf of herself and her union, the Hotel Gaming and Trades Council. …



69 sec


Chris Beatrice, Union Member of Carpentry Union, on Job Creation and Fair Wages at Willets Point Soccer Stadium Project

Chris Beatrice advocates for high-quality jobs and family-sustaining wages at the Willets Point Soccer Stadium project in Queens. - Emphasizes the importance of good jobs for dignity, stability, and community …



113 sec


Testimony by Jenny Lando, Parent and Educator, on Willets Point Project Phase 2

Jenny Lando, a native New Yorker and resident of District 22, expresses strong support for the phase 2 part of the Willets Point project. She shares her personal connection to …



141 sec


Testimony by Washington J. Torres, FDNY Firefighter, on Village Point Project and NYC Soccer Stadium

Washington J. Torres, a New York City resident and FDNY firefighter, expresses support for the phase 2 development of the Willets Point Project, which includes a new school, affordable housing, …



133 sec


Testimony by Sergio Munoz, Founding Member of New York City Football Club (NYCFC) on Proposed Stadium Project

Sergio Munoz, a Queens resident, architect, and small business owner, testifies in support of the proposed NYCFC stadium project. He highlights the positive impacts the project is already having on …



131 sec


Testimony by Chelsea Quito, Special Projects Lead at New York City Football Club (NYCFC)

Chelsea Quito, a South Bronx native, shares her experience with the City of Community Foundation supported by NYCFC. She highlights her 6-year involvement, various roles, and the positive impact the …



62 sec


Testimony by David Vazquez on NYCFC Stadium Project

David Vazquez expresses support for the NYCFC stadium project, highlighting its benefits to the community and the positive impact of the team. He emphasizes the project's privately funded nature and …



110 sec


Testimony by Jennifer Quesada, Founder and CEO of Digital Moda, on Support for New York City FC Project

Jennifer Quesada expresses strong support for a New York City FC project, highlighting her company's collaboration with the club during the pandemic and the project's potential benefits for small businesses …



127 sec


Testimony by John Gambierro on Soccer Programs for Youth

John Gambierro, a long-time educator and soccer program organizer, testifies about the importance of soccer programs for youth development. He emphasizes the positive impact of soccer on children's lives, teaching …



117 sec


Testimony by Jennifer Rodriguez on Support for NYCFC Stadium Project

Jennifer Rodriguez, a lifelong resident of the community, expresses her approval for a proposed project in her neighborhood. She highlights the potential benefits, including job opportunities and equal housing for …



68 sec


Testimony by Evan Hook from East Elmhurst on Supporting the NYCFC Stadium Project

Evan Hook from East Elmhurst expressed support for the NYCFC Stadium Project, highlighting the potential job creation in the area. His testimony was brief and focused on the positive economic …



14 sec


Testimony by Samir Mullick, Intern at New York City Football Club (NYCFC) on Community Development Programs

Samir Mullick shares his positive experiences with NYCFC's community programs, including the Saturday Night Lights program and his current internship. He expresses strong support for the project under discussion. - …



144 sec


Testimony by Jason Osborn, Assistant Vice President of Community Preservation Corporation, on the Willets Point Project

Jason Osborn testifies in support of an affordable housing project in two capacities: as a former resident of Downtown Flushing and as a representative of the Community Preservation Corporation. He …



129 sec


Testimony by Oswaldo Guzman on the Willets Point Project (Spanish)

Oswaldo Guzman testifies on the Willets Points Project in Spanish.



46 sec


Testimony by Aretha Wareham on Willis Avenue Project

Aretha Wareham, a long-time resident of East Elmhurst, expresses strong support for the Willets Point project. She describes it as a long-overdue development that will address existing issues in the …



41 sec pigeon logo

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