What steps does the city take to ensure community voices are heard regarding helicopter regulation?
68 sec
The city considers 311 complaints and engages with community boards and elected officials to understand where residents experience helicopter noise.
- 311 complaints serve as a primary source for understanding noise issues
- The city frequently engages with community boards and elected officials to hear quality of life concerns
- Changes in the new helicopter regulation procurement, like reducing tour hours by 30%, improving data collection, and increasing transparency, are a direct result of conversations with council members, community boards, etc.
Amanda Farías
And what steps does the city take to ensure that community voices are heard and considered in decisions related to the helicopter regulation?
Jennifer Sun
So the 311 complaints is certainly a primary source, you know, for understanding where residents in New York City are experiencing.
That that noise in their neighborhoods.
And we do, you know, frequent engagement through community boards and elected officials, and certainly that's a channel in which we're hearing about quality of life concerns as well.
Mikelle Adgate
I would just add to that council member.
I think the items that we identified in the RFP in terms of changes that we're making for this new procurement.
I would say our, you know, almost a direct result of the conversations that we've had with you, other committee members, community boards, not just you know, reducing the tour hours by 30%, but looking at improving data collection, improving transparency, how those records are distributed So we do take all of the feedback that we've gotten very seriously and have baked that into the RFP.
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How does the administration balance the economic interests of the helicopter industry and health/quality of life concerns for impacted communities?
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What compromises or agreements have been reached with industry and community stakeholders regarding helicopter operations?