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Council Member Hanks introduces the Subcommittee meeting and outlines the agenda



3 min

Council Member Kamillah Hanks, chair of the Subcommittee on Landmarks, Public Sightings and Dispositions, opens the meeting by welcoming attendees and explaining the hybrid format. She outlines the agenda, including a proposed landmark designation and several votes on land use items.

  • Hanks provides instructions for public testimony, both remote and in-person
  • She reminds attendees of decorum rules and restrictions on video/audio recordings
  • The agenda includes Land Use 148 (1 Wall Street banking room interior landmark designation), Land Use 143 (Malcolm Shabazz Harlem Plaza), and Land Use 144 (Willoughby Heart Historic District)
Kamillah Hanks
Good morning, everyone.
Another exciting day at the welcome to the meeting of the sub committee of Landmark's public sightings and dispositions.
I am counsel member Camilla Hanks, and I am the chair of the sub committee.
Today, I'm joined by my colleagues, Marte Nurse Salam, majority leader, Farius.
Before we begin with today's agenda, I will remind everyone that this meeting is being held in a hybrid format.
For members of the public who wish to testify remotely, we ask that you first register online, and you may do so now by visiting use to sign up.
And then sign into the Zoom and remain signed in until you have testified.
For anyone with us today in person and wishing to testify, if you have not already done so, please see one of the sergeants to fill out a speaker's card, and we will call your name at the appropriate time.
For anyone wishing to submit written testimony on the items being heard today.
We ask that you please send to send via email to land use testimony at
Include the land use number and or project name in the subject line of email.
Video and audio testimony will not be accepted.
I will remind members of the public that this is a government proceeding, and that decorum shall be observed at all times.
And as such, members of the public shall remain silent unless called to testify.
The witness tables reserved for people who wish to testify.
No video recording or photography is allowed from the witness table.
Further, members of the public may not present audio or or video recordings as testimony, but may submit transcript of such recordings to the sergeant for inclusion in the hearing record.
On tape, today's agenda excuse me, agenda, we have land use number 148.
Landmark's preservation commissions proposed as signation of 1 Wall Street banking room interior and council member Marte's district in Manhattan as a historic landmark, as well as several votes.
We will now vote to approve land use item 143 Malcolm Chivas, Harlem Plaza.
This project is in council member, Salam's district in Manhattan, and seeks to facilitate the construction of a one new mix to use building, including 29 story towers containing affordable housing units through HPD's extremely low and low income affordability program, Ella.
And the new community facility space for existing African vendors market.
The proposed action involves the designation of an urban development action area, approval of an urban development action area project, and disposition of city owned lots.
We will also vote on land use number 1 44, the designation of Willoughby Heart Historic District And Council member O'SAY's District in Brooklyn.
I would like to call on council member, Salam, for comments before the vote, council member. pigeon logo

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