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New York City Council

Committee on Children and Youth

Sep 24, 2024


01:00 PM

2 hr 4 min

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A hearing on addressing the needs of LGBTQ+ youth in the city's child welfare system.

Discussions focused on four bills aimed at increasing transparency, reporting, and accountability in foster care practices.

Key topics included:

  • The disproportionate representation of LGBTQ+ youth in foster care
  • Challenges they face such as discrimination and lack of affirming placements
  • ACS policies and training programs to support these youth
  • Recent partnerships to improve services

Advocates highlighted ongoing issues including discrimination, access to gender-affirming care, and the need for increased accountability.

Recommendations were made to lower the age for tracking LGBTQ+ data, improve survey development with youth input, and enhance implementation of existing policies.

Features testimony from the Administration for Children's Services (ACS), Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD), NYC Unity Project, and the public.

Meeting chapters

Read summaries and watch videos for short segments that matter to you.


Council Member Althea V. Stevens delivers opening remarks on LGBTQ+ youth in foster care

Council Member Althea V. Stevens, chair of the Children and Youth Services committee, delivers opening remarks for a joint hearing on addressing the needs of LGBTQ+ youth in the city's …



4 min


Council Member Farah Louis introduces hearing on LGBTQ+ youth in foster care

Council Member Farah Louis, chair of the Committee on Women and Gender Equity, opens the joint hearing with the Committee on Children and Youth. She highlights the challenges faced by …



170 sec


Council Member Kevin C. Riley advocates for increased data collection and transparency in foster care system

Council Member Kevin C. Riley delivers remarks on the importance of comprehensive data collection and transparency in the foster care system. He emphasizes how these improvements can lead to better …



3 min


Council Member Chi Osse speaks about Intro 56 and LGBTQ+ youth in foster care

Council Member Chi Osse delivers remarks about his proposed legislation, Intro 56, which aims to provide transparency on LGBTQ+ youth in the foster care system. He emphasizes the importance of …



83 sec


Introduction and acknowledgments by ACS Commissioner

Commissioner Jess Dannhauser of the Administration for Children Services introduces himself and acknowledges the committee chairs and members. He expresses gratitude for the hearing on addressing the needs of LGBTQ+ …



38 sec


ACS commitment to affirming treatment of LGBTQAI+ youth

Commissioner Dannhauser emphasizes ACS's commitment to treating all youth and families in an affirming manner. He highlights the steps taken to strengthen their efforts in this area. - Mentions the …



50 sec


ACS policies and guidance for supporting LGBTQAI+ youth

Commissioner Dannhauser outlines the key policies and guidance implemented by ACS to support LGBTQAI+ youth in the child welfare system. He highlights the progressive nature of these policies and their …



66 sec


Training and support for ACS staff and providers

Commissioner Dannhauser describes the efforts to strengthen practices and enhance training opportunities for ACS staff, provider staff, and foster parents. He emphasizes the ongoing nature of these efforts. - Mentions …



38 sec


Residential programs and services for LGBTQAI+ youth in foster care

Commissioner Dannhauser outlines the residential programs and services available for LGBTQAI+ youth in foster care. He highlights the comprehensive nature of these services and the specific programs dedicated to LGBTQAI+ …



23 sec


2021 survey findings and LGBTQAI+ youth action plan

Commissioner Dannhauser presents the findings of a 2021 survey that revealed a disproportionate number of LGBTQAI+ youth in foster care. He then outlines the action plan developed in response to …



51 sec


Progress since the LGBTQAI+ youth action plan

Commissioner Dannhauser details the significant progress made by ACS since the release of the LGBTQAI+ youth action plan. He highlights various initiatives and improvements implemented across the agency. - Mentions …



56 sec


Updating ACS policy on LGBTQAI+ youth

Commissioner Dannhauser describes the ongoing process of updating the ACS policy on LGBTQAI+ youth. He emphasizes the collaborative nature of this process and the focus on improving the policy. - …



16 sec


Handling concerns and complaints about LGBTQAI+ youth treatment

Commissioner Dannhauser outlines the process for addressing concerns about the treatment of LGBTQAI+ youth and families within the ACS system. He emphasizes the importance of immediate reporting and response. - …



42 sec


Collaboration with Ali Forney Center to improve LGBTQAI+ youth services

Commissioner Dannhauser discusses the recent collaboration between ACS and the Ali Forney Center to address concerns and improve services for LGBTQAI+ youth in the child welfare system. - Mentions that …



12 sec


Recent steps to address LGBTQAI+ youth concerns in child welfare

Commissioner Dannhauser outlines several specific steps recently taken by ACS to address concerns raised about the treatment of LGBTQAI+ youth in the child welfare system. These actions span various divisions …



75 sec


Discussion of proposed legislation for LGBTQAI+ youth in foster care

Commissioner Dannhauser discusses three proposed bills related to LGBTQAI+ youth in foster care and ACS operations. He provides initial feedback on each bill and expresses willingness for further discussions. - …



98 sec


Conclusion: ACS's commitment to affirming care for LGBTQAI+ youth

Commissioner Dannhauser concludes his testimony by reaffirming ACS's commitment to providing affirming care for all youth and families, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression. - Emphasizes the importance of …



28 sec


Council Member Stevens introduces concerns about LGBTQ+ youth in foster care

Council Member Althea V. Stevens begins by referencing a powerful testimony from a young person during a previous 'Shadow Day' event. The testimony highlighted concerning treatment of LGBTQ+ youth in …



119 sec


Foster care intake process and LGBTQ+ youth identification

Commissioner Dannhauser explains the process of identifying LGBTQ+ youth during foster care intake and placement. The discussion covers how youth preferences are considered in placements. - ACS does not ask …



168 sec


Cultural competency training for foster parents on LGBTQ+ issues

Council Member Stevens inquires about the cultural competency training provided to foster parents to ensure they can provide affirming homes for LGBTQ+ youth. Commissioner Dannhauser and Steven Gordon explain the …



170 sec


Support systems and monitoring for youth in foster care

Commissioner Dannhauser outlines the various support systems and monitoring mechanisms in place for youth in foster care, particularly for LGBTQ+ youth. - Children in foster care are visited in their …



129 sec


Challenges in identifying affirming foster homes for LGBTQ+ youth

Commissioner Dannhauser discusses the challenges ACS faces in identifying foster homes that affirm LGBTQ+ identities and the efforts to create a full continuum of care. - ACS has small residential …



3 min


Recruitment efforts for LGBTQ+ foster parents

Steven Gordon explains ACS's efforts to recruit foster parents from the LGBTQ+ community and diversify the foster parent pool. - In 2021, ACS worked with foster care agencies to plan …



73 sec


Disclosure of youth's LGBTQ+ identity to foster parents and placement policies

Commissioner Dannhauser explains the policies regarding disclosure of a youth's LGBTQ+ identity to foster parents and the placement decision process. - If a young person has shared their LGBTQ+ identity …



118 sec


Intervention strategies for inappropriate behavior by foster parents

Steven Gordon and Commissioner Dannhauser explain the intervention strategies and disciplinary measures in place to address inappropriate behavior by foster parents towards LGBTQ+ youth. - Young people have the right …



105 sec


Implementation of therapeutic services through Ackerman Institute

Commissioner Dannhauser and Steven Gordon discuss the implementation of expanded therapeutic services through the Ackerman Institute and the LGBT Center, as outlined in ACS's 2021 LGBTQ+ action plan. - The …



64 sec


Agreement between ACS and Ali Forney Center for LGBTQ+ youth protection

Commissioner Dannhauser explains the key points of the agreement between ACS and the Ali Forney Center, aimed at preventing abuse and implementing new policies for LGBTQ+ youth in foster care. …



106 sec


Upcoming meeting with RHY providers on child protective practices

Commissioner Dannhauser mentions an upcoming meeting between ACS and Runaway and Homeless Youth (RHY) providers to discuss child protective practices. - The meeting is scheduled for October 16th - Council …



9 sec


Addressing issues of deadnaming in the foster care system

Commissioner Dannhauser explains efforts to address the issue of deadnaming transgender youth in the foster care system, particularly during the reporting and investigation process. - The issue of deadnaming was …



85 sec


LGBTQ+ point persons in foster care agencies

Council Member Farah Louis inquires about the LGBTQ+ point persons in foster care and juvenile justice placement provider agencies. Commissioner Jess Dannhauser confirms their existence and provides information on their …



64 sec


Reporting and addressing bias and discrimination claims in foster care

Council Member Farah Louis inquires about the process for foster youth to report bias and discrimination, and the number of claims recorded in 2023. ACS officials provide information on reporting …



107 sec


LGBTQ+ cultural competency training for ACS staff

Council Member Farah Louis requests details about the mandatory LGBTQ+ cultural competency training for ACS staff. Steven Gordon, Director of LGBTQ+ Equity Strategies, provides information on the training content, frequency, …



69 sec


Addressing homophobia and transphobia in foster homes

Council Member Farah Louis inquires about additional guidance for staff on identifying and addressing homophobia and transphobia in foster homes. Commissioner Jess Dannhauser explains ACS's approach to ensuring appropriate behaviors …



76 sec


NYC Unity Project's support for LGBTQ+ foster youth

Council Member Farah Louis asks about the Unity Project's efforts in supporting LGBTQ+ foster youth. Ronald Porcelli, Director of NYC Unity Project, provides a comprehensive overview of their initiatives and …



163 sec


Council Member Stevens inquires about NYC Unity Project's role

Council Member Althea V. Stevens expresses her lack of knowledge about the NYC Unity Project and asks for clarification on its role and functions. She specifically inquires whether the project …



26 sec


NYC Unity Project's collaboration with ACS and DYCD

Ronald Porcelli explains the role of the NYC Unity Project and its collaboration with ACS and DYCD. The discussion covers various programs and initiatives developed by the Unity Project in …



3 min


Roundtable discussions hosted by Unity Project under current administration

Council Member Farah Louis inquires about the number of roundtable discussions hosted by the Unity Project under the current administration. Ronald Porcelli provides details on the roundtables and other forms …



93 sec


Proposed legislation on expanding foster youth experience surveys

Council Member Farah Louis asks about a pre-considered introduction that would expand foster youth experience surveys to include questions about treatment related to gender expression, identity, sex characteristics, and sexual …



99 sec


Coordination between DYCD and ACS for LGBTQ+ youth aging out of foster care

Council Member Althea V. Stevens inquires about the coordination between DYCD and ACS to address the needs of LGBTQ+ youth aging out of foster care. Representatives from both agencies explain …



142 sec


DYCD's anti-discriminatory policies and training for runaway and homeless youth shelters

Council Member Althea V. Stevens inquires about DYCD's anti-discriminatory policies and training for runaway and homeless youth shelters to ensure they are inclusive and affirming for LGBTQ+ youth. A DYCD …



68 sec


DYCD's process for gathering feedback from LGBTQ+ youth in their programs

Council Member Althea V. Stevens inquires about DYCD's process for gathering feedback from LGBTQ+ youth in their programs and how this feedback is used to drive policy and programmatic changes. …



105 sec


Data tracking on homeless and runaway youth transitioning from foster care

Council Member Althea V. Stevens inquires about DYCD's data tracking practices for homeless and runaway youth transitioning from foster care, particularly those who identify as LGBTQ+. DYCD representatives provide information …



135 sec


Council Member Williams introduces questions on behalf of Council Member Riley

Council Member Nantasha Williams takes the floor to ask questions on behalf of Council Member Riley regarding a proposed bill. This brief introduction sets the stage for the subsequent discussion …



14 sec


Discussion on proposed foster care audit bill and compliance concerns

Council Member Williams and Commissioner Dannhauser discuss the proposed foster care audit bill, focusing on its requirements and potential compliance concerns. The bill aims to review instances where placement change …



65 sec


ACS processes and challenges in notifying attorneys about placement changes

Council Member Williams inquires about ACS processes for sharing information regarding changes in foster care placements with children's attorneys. Commissioner Dannhauser explains the communication channels and challenges faced in this …



118 sec


Internal operations and quality improvement processes between ACS and foster care providers

Council Member Williams seeks to understand the internal operations and feedback loop between ACS and foster care providers. Commissioner Dannhauser explains the oversight and quality improvement processes in place. - …



142 sec


Credible messengers, support systems, and clothing allowances for LGBTQ+ youth in foster care

Council Member Williams inquires about credible messengers within ACS and clothing budgets for LGBTQ+ youth in foster care. Commissioner Dannhauser explains the support systems in place and policies regarding clothing …



3 min


Follow-up on foster care discussions and special payment mechanisms

Council Member Williams indicates she will follow up on foster care discussions. Commissioner Dannhauser provides additional information about special payment mechanisms for clothing allowances. - Council Member Williams states she …



28 sec


Youth Leadership Council composition and addressing non-affirming foster parents

Steven Gordon, Director of LGBTQ+ Equity Strategies at ACS, provides information about the Youth Leadership Council and explains the process for addressing non-affirming foster parents, particularly in relation to LGBTQ+ …



42 sec


Council Member Rita Joseph questions ACS Commissioner on foster care policies and LGBTQ+ youth

Council Member Rita Joseph engages in a Q&A session with ACS Commissioner Jess Dannhauser, focusing on various aspects of the foster care system in New York City. The discussion covers …



4 min


Discussion on Intro 8 regarding child welfare system reporting requirements

Council Member Althea V. Stevens inquires about Intro 8, which would amend existing reporting requirements for the child welfare system. Commissioner Jess Dannhauser explains the challenges in implementing the bill …



92 sec


ACS policy updates on marijuana use allegations and substance use impact

Council Member Stevens inquires about ACS policy updates regarding marijuana use allegations, given its legalization. Commissioner Dannhauser explains the agency's approach to substance use in child welfare cases. - ACS …



103 sec


Discussion on Intro 56 regarding surveying foster youth LGBTQ+ and racial identities

Council Member Stevens inquires about Intro 56, which would require ACS to survey foster youth about their LGBTQ+ and racial identities and report annually on the responses. Commissioner Dannhauser responds …



45 sec


Discussion on pre-considered introduction to expand foster care youth experience survey

Council Member Stevens inquires about a pre-considered introduction that would expand the foster care youth experience survey to include questions about treatment related to gender expression, identity, and sexual orientation. …



78 sec


Clarification on survey anonymity and follow-up process for foster youth

Council Member Stevens seeks clarification on the anonymity of the foster care youth experience survey and the follow-up process. ACS representatives explain the survey's confidentiality and follow-up procedures. - The …



69 sec


Testimony by Erin Beth Harrist, Director of the LGBTQ+ Unit at Legal Aid Society

Erin Beth Harrist, Director of the LGBTQ+ Unit at Legal Aid Society, provided testimony on the challenges faced by LGBTQ+ youth in the foster care system. She highlighted issues of …



149 sec


Testimony by Nadia Swanson, Director of Advocacy and Technical Assistance at The Ali Forney Center

Nadia Swanson from The Ali Forney Center testified on Intro 56, suggesting amendments to lower the age for tracking LGBTQ+ data in foster care from 13 to 5 years old. …



141 sec


Testimony by Galloway, Advocacy Manager at The Ali Forney Center

Galloway, the Advocacy Manager at The Ali Forney Center, testified in support of Intro 56 of 2024, focusing on the proposed youth experience survey for LGBTQ+ youth in the foster …



134 sec


Council Member Stevens inquires about clinician accountability in LGBTQ+ youth care

Council Member Althea V. Stevens asks about issues with clinicians and boundaries with young people, seeking recommendations for safeguards. Erin Beth Harrist from the Legal Aid Society responds, emphasizing the …



90 sec


Testimony by Luna Floyd, Legal Fellow at Lambda Legal Defense And Education Fund, on LGBTQ+ Youth in Foster Care

Luna Floyd, a legal fellow at Lambda Legal, testified in support of two bills related to LGBTQ+ youth in foster care. She emphasized the importance of data collection, youth involvement, …



122 sec


Testimony by Tabitha Kamonis, Mother and Individual with Disabilities

Tabitha Kamonis, a 36-year-old mother of four with various health conditions and a history of addiction, shared her challenging experiences with the Administration for Children's Services (ACS). She described feeling …



148 sec


Testimony by Pedro Gonzalez, Member of the Public, on ACS and LGBTQIA+ Issues

Pedro Gonzalez, a member of the public and military veteran, provides testimony on ACS practices, data transparency, and issues affecting low-income communities and LGBTQIA+ individuals in the child welfare system. …



152 sec


Council member responds to public testimony on ACS and veteran services

Council Member Althea V. Stevens engages with public testifiers Pedro Gonzalez and Tabitha Kamonis, addressing their concerns about ACS and support for families, particularly those with special needs and LGBTQIA+ …



167 sec


Testimony by Elizabeth Seraco, Integrator Treatment Model Director at The Children's Village

Elizabeth Seraco, representing The Children's Village, testified about their efforts to create an inclusive environment for LGBTQ+ youth in foster care and residential programs. She highlighted the organization's programs, services, …



143 sec pigeon logo

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