Hospital Liaison Officer pilot program and other turnaround time initiatives
70 sec
Chief Fields outlines several initiatives aimed at reducing hospital turnaround times, with a focus on the Hospital Liaison Officer (HLO) pilot program.
- FDNY is implementing a pilot program to deploy Hospital Liaison Officers at busy H+H hospitals
- HLOs take custody of patients, allowing EMS crews to return to service more quickly
- Station-based EMS officers are being sent to hospitals as needed to assist with efficient patient drop-offs
- Real-time monitoring of hospital turnaround times allows for rapid response to developing issues
Michael Fields
Getting units back into service as quickly as possible after a patient transport is is a priority.
We attack we are attacking these issues with a multiple prong approach.
First, we are implementing a pilot reallocate and critical staff to serve in the hospital liaison officer position at the busiest h and h hospitals.
These officers will be on hand when the EMS crew arrives and will take possession of the patient until hospital personnel are ready to take custody.
In this way, the HLO remains with the patient and the analyst crew gets back out into the field available to take the next call.
We will continue to assess and evaluate this staff, redistribution, pilot as we move forward.
We are also sending station based EMS officers to hospitals during the course of their regular shift on a on a need to on a needed basis to assist with the efficiency of EMS drop off We monitor hospital turnaround times on a real time basis as we spot problems developing.
We dispatch offices to help facilitate transfers and create a more manageable environment.