Lenapehoking anthology and curriculum development
73 sec
Joel Whitney explains the creation and impact of the Lenapehoking anthology, a collaborative project between BPL and the Lenape Center to address the lack of published materials on Lenape culture.
- The anthology includes original indigenous scholarship, essays, poetry, and full-color art
- It is now in its 4th printing and available in select libraries across the region
- The anthology serves as the foundation for a partnership with Teachers College to create curriculum for pre-K through 12th grade students
- This curriculum aims to provide a comprehensive approach to teaching Lenape history and culture
Joel Whitney
As part of the exhibition, Lenape Center and BPL began discussing a curated book list patrons could reference to further learn about Lenape history.
This was not possible, however.
There were just not enough published books detailing Lenape culture in their own words and images in a way that did not relegate their stories to the distant past.
To rec to correct this, BPL and Lenape Center published Lenape Hawking, an anthology with selections of original indigenous scholarship, essays, poetry, full color art, and more.
Approaching its 4th printing, this anthology is available in select libraries across the region.
Last month, in a conversation at Central Library's S.
Stephan Dweck Cultural Center, Mr.
Baker mentioned that our actions like this can be generative and impactful in ways we might never know.
He was describing to over 100 educators how this anthology is the foundation of Lenape Center's partnership with Teachers College professor Rachel Talbert to create curriculum for pre kindergarten through 12th grade students to provide a comprehensive approach to teaching Lenape history and culture.
He could easily have been describing that first conversation BPL and Lenape Center had together.