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Federal funding and support for public health activities in New York City



146 sec

Council Member Moya inquires about federal and international support for DOHMH's disease monitoring work. Dr. Michelle Morse explains the critical role of federal funding in supporting New York City's public health activities.

  • DOHMH receives about $600 million in federal funding
  • This funding supports the public health lab, surveillance systems, HIV programs, and vaccination programs
  • 80% of funding for the disease control division comes from federal sources
  • DOHMH expects the federal government to uphold existing agreements and continue funding
Francisco P. Moya
Thank you.
And what federal support or information does the agency rely on in its disease monitoring work?
And what about the WHO support or any other international support that you may get?
Sudha Reddy
Dr. Michelle Morse
Thank you for that question.
And I just want to, Sudha is very humble, but New York City is the place, of course, that is like the portal to the rest of the world.
So we have the most expert investigators and leaders in our Bureau of Communicable Disease and across our Infectious Disease Division because this is the place where things often show up first, and we have so many risks in New York City because of being such a global city.
So that's why it's all the more important for us to have experts like Doctor.
Reddy and experts like we have across the agency to know immediately and be really prepared to have those surveillance systems kick into action if and when there are concerning threats.
I do want to answer your question about what federal supports actually allow that to be possible.
Our federal funding is about $600,000,000.
That $600,000,000 does fund our public health lab.
It funds our surveillance systems that doctor Reddy just shared.
It funds our HIV programs.
It funds a number of our core public health activities, our vaccination programs.
We do expect the federal government to uphold their contracts and agreements with us to continue that work.
But should that change, we of course are are planning to work both with city hall, OMB, and you all at city council to make sure that our activities can continue to protect the health of New Yorkers.
But again, our expectation is that our colleagues at the federal government will uphold the existing agreements and that $600,000,000 in funding will continue to make sure that some of our most core public health activities continue.
The final thing I'll say is that about 80% of our funding in our disease control division is federal funding.
And that is the division where SUDA works, that's the division that does a lot of our surveillance for infectious diseases, our tuberculosis programs, our HIV programs, our vaccination programs, etc. pigeon logo

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