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Discussion of Mastro's opposition to NYC's styrofoam ban



168 sec

Council Member Gennaro questions Randy Mastro about his past opposition to NYC's styrofoam ban, particularly focusing on Mastro's public comments ridiculing the ban.

  • Gennaro quotes Mastro calling the styrofoam ban decision 'crazy' in a 2015 interview
  • Mastro defends his position, explaining that the city council's law allowed for recycling if it was economically feasible
  • Mastro argues that he proved in court that styrofoam could be recycled in an economically feasible and environmentally sensitive way
  • Gennaro expresses concern that Mastro's ridicule of city laws undermines his ability to represent the council's environmental laws
James Gennaro
Anything that you wanna submit for the record in the next 72 hours, but the hours late, I'm gonna move on to my next thing.
I appreciate your your your comprehensive reply.
This is about styrofoam.
Mister Mastro.
You have represented companies who oppose important pro environmental local laws passed by this council and pro pro environmental rules passed by a disease, for example, in July 2015, from Mayor De Blasio announced a ban on single use, polystyrene, foam articles, styrofoam, and fill packaging such as packing peanuts, the restaurant alliance.
Let me just go down to let me just try to save time.
And trying to move along here.
And so let me jump to where you come in in terms of an interview.
With that said, you know, about your opposition to the law and your representation of people who who indicate styrofoam can be recycled easily.
And your comment was with that said, are you in an interview with New York 1's inside city hall regarding that ban in 2015?
And you were quoted as saying, quote, this is a crazy decision by the city, close quote, and, quote, as a former deputy mayor.
I've seen some pretty crazy ones over the years, close quote.
Doesn't this record of adversity and ridicule environmental laws undercut your ability to represent this council's environmental laws?
Randy Mastro
Well, it's my question.
I'm I'm very glad you asked that question because The law in question that the city council passed said that if styrofoam could be, if it were economic, this is the words of the council, that if styrofoam could be recycled in an economically feasible and environmentally sound way that it should be recycled because this council has supported recycling over and over again And if it couldn't, the city could ban it.
And what we proved in court, I believe, was consistent with the city council legislation that styrofoam could be recycled and an economically feasible and environmentally sensitive way because it was certainly capable of being collected for recycling.
Clients involved in the case were willing to pay for a pilot programmer of the city.
So the city would have lost nothing and potentially profited from the recycling.
And the first judicial decision in that case affirmed my position that in fact it could be recycled.
And I don't think that's
James Gennaro
really square. pigeon logo

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