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New York City Council
Committee on Criminal Justice
Jan 30, 2025
10:00 AM
1 hr 54 min
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A hearing on the Department of Corrections' contracting of jail services, focusing on commissary, phone, and tablet services provided by vendors like Keefe Group and Securus Technologies.
Discussions centered on:
- No-bid contracts
- Price gouging allegations
- Service issues
- Privacy concerns
- The department's oversight of vendors
The hearing also addressed Intro 825, which aims to ensure inmates receive remaining commissary funds upon release.
Features testimony from the Department of Correction (DOC) officials, advocacy groups, and the public.
Meeting chapters
Read summaries and watch videos for short segments that matter to you.
Council Member Sandy Nurse's opening remarks on DOC contracting and Intro 825
Council Member Sandy Nurse opens the joint hearing of the committees on Criminal Justice and Contracts, introducing the main topics: examining the Department of Corrections' contracting of jail services and …
113 sec
Council Member Julie Won's opening remarks on jail services contracts
Council Member Julie Won, chair of the committee on contracts, delivers opening remarks for a joint hearing on essential services for incarcerated individuals in NYC jails. She introduces the main …
168 sec
Introduction and overview of DOC partnerships
James Conroy, Deputy Commissioner of Legal Matters and General Counsel for the NYC Department of Correction, introduces the department's partnerships with providers for goods, services, and support for those in …
82 sec
Contracting process and vendor selection principles
The Department of Correction carefully considers costs when selecting vendors and negotiating prices for goods and services. They aim to reduce or eliminate fees and ensure fair market rates. - …
34 sec
Telephone and tablet services for individuals in custody
The Department of Correction provides telephone and tablet services to individuals in custody at no cost. These services offer various functionalities and resources. - Each individual is assigned a tablet …
21 sec
Commissary services and pricing policies
The Department of Correction offers commissary services allowing individuals to order various items that are delivered to their housing areas. Pricing and item selection are carefully managed. - Items include …
26 sec
Contract review and compliance processes
The Department of Correction has implemented thorough contract review and compliance processes to ensure fairness and consistency with citywide policies. - Second level review of all contract submissions by senior …
62 sec
Addressing past vendor issues and complaint handling
The Department of Correction acknowledges past issues with vendors and outlines steps taken to address these concerns, particularly regarding telephone services and commissary operations. - DOI report on unintentional recording …
86 sec
Benefits of vendor-provided commissary services
The Department of Correction highlights the advantages of contracting with vendors for commissary services, emphasizing operational efficiency and improved service for individuals in custody. - Allows DOC staff to focus …
48 sec
Department's response to Introduction 825 on commissary fund return
The Department of Correction expresses concerns about Introduction 825, which would require returning all unused commissary funds to individuals prior to release from custody. They argue that the proposed legislation …
115 sec
Benefits of current telephone, tablet, and commissary services
The Department of Correction emphasizes the value of the telephone, tablet, and commissary services provided by vendors to individuals in custody and their families. - Free phone calls enable individuals …
52 sec
Conclusion and readiness for questions
James Conroy concludes the Department of Correction's testimony by reiterating their commitment to providing high-quality services through ethical and transparent means. - Shared goal with the council to ensure access …
27 sec
Selection and extension of Keefe Group for emergency commissary contract
Council Member Julie Won questions DOC representatives about the selection of Keefe Group for the emergency commissary contract in 2022 and its subsequent extension. Deputy Commissioner James Conroy explains that …
3 min
Pricing concerns and comparisons for commissary items
Council Member Julie Won raises concerns about reports of Keefe Group overcharging for commissary items. Deputy Commissioner James Conroy defends the pricing, explaining DOC's comparison process and reasons for price …
152 sec
DOC's process for conducting price comparisons
Council Member Julie Won inquires about the specific process DOC uses to conduct price comparisons for commissary items. Deputy Commissioner James Conroy explains their manual process and contract terms regarding …
156 sec
Availability and pricing of menstrual products for inmates
Council members inquire about the availability and pricing of menstrual products for women inmates. DOC representatives clarify the policy on free menstrual products and explain the presence of purchasable options …
167 sec
Cost comparison between in-house and outsourced commissary services
Council Member Julie Won requests a cost comparison between the previous in-house commissary services and the current outsourced services provided by Keefe Group. Deputy Commissioner James Conroy explains why such …
94 sec
DOC's analysis of other jail service providers
Council Member Julie Won inquires about DOC's analysis of other jail service providers, as mentioned in previous testimony. Deputy Commissioner James Conroy provides information on their comparison process and findings. …
134 sec
Discussion on availability and distribution of menstrual products in jails
Council Member Sandy Nurse inquires about the availability and distribution of menstrual products in jails. James Conroy from the Department of Correction responds to her questions, addressing concerns about access …
95 sec
Concerns about Securus recording privileged attorney-client communications
Council Member Sandy Nurse raises concerns about Securus recording and retaining privileged attorney-client communications. James Conroy from the Department of Correction addresses these concerns and discusses steps taken to prevent …
43 sec
Implementation status of DOI recommendations to prevent recording of privileged calls
Council Member Sandy Nurse inquires about the implementation status of DOI recommendations to prevent recording of privileged calls. James Conroy from the Department of Correction provides details on the current …
161 sec
Notification process for individuals whose calls were unlawfully recorded
Council Member Sandy Nurse inquires about the notification process for individuals whose privileged communications were unlawfully recorded and retained. James Conroy from the Department of Correction provides information on the …
51 sec
Call monitoring practices and statistics in DOC facilities
Council Member Sandy Nurse inquires about call monitoring practices and statistics in DOC facilities. James Conroy from the Department of Correction provides details on the process and limitations of their …
111 sec
Procurement process for Securus tablet contract
Council Member Sandy Nurse inquires about the procurement process for the Securus tablet contract. James Conroy and another representative from the Department of Correction provide details on the contract's history, …
144 sec
Council member inquires about using tablets for medical appointments
Council Member Mercedes Narcisse inquires about the possibility of using tablets for inmates to make medical appointments. Deputy Commissioner Nell McCarty explains that while there isn't a specific application for …
45 sec
Council member asks about tablet assignment statistics in DOC facilities
Council Member Mercedes Narcisse inquires about the percentage of people in custody who have been assigned tablets. Deputy Commissioner Nell McCarty provides current statistics on tablet distribution in DOC facilities. …
31 sec
Council member inquires about the tablet issue resolution process
Council Member Mercedes Narcisse asks about how issues with assigned tablets are addressed. Deputy Commissioner Nell McCarty explains the multiple ways inmates can report and resolve tablet issues. - Inmates …
55 sec
Council member questions tablet removal as disciplinary action
Council Member Mercedes Narcisse inquires about the practice of removing tablets as a form of punishment or discipline. Deputy Commissioner Nell McCarty explains the current policy regarding tablet removal and …
74 sec
Council member inquires about DOC's response to nonlocal law enforcement agents
Council Member Mercedes Narcisse asks about DOC's policies regarding nonlocal law enforcement agents and information sharing. General Counsel James Conroy responds to these inquiries. - DOC is not aware of …
103 sec
Council member asks about discharge process and post-release support
Council Member Mercedes Narcisse inquires about the guidance and support provided to individuals being discharged from custody. Deputy Commissioner Nell McCarty explains the resources available through the community reentry network. …
103 sec
Council Member Nurse questions DOC on immigration guidance
Council Member Sandy Nurse questions James Conroy from the Department of Correction about whether they have received updated guidance on immigration-related matters from MOIA (Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs). Conroy …
110 sec
Introduction to questions about commissary funds
Council Member Diana I. Ayala introduces her line of questioning about the commissary funds in NYC jails. She indicates that she has several basic questions about the commissary system. - …
17 sec
Number of unclaimed commissary accounts and annual unclaimed funds
Deputy Commissioner Nell McCarty provides information on the number of unclaimed commissary accounts and the annual amount of unclaimed funds in NYC jails. - There are approximately 100,076,719 unclaimed accounts …
62 sec
Breakdown of unclaimed fund amounts in accounts
General Counsel James Conroy provides a detailed breakdown of the unclaimed funds in commissary accounts at NYC jails. - There are 137,598 total accounts with unclaimed funds dating back to …
58 sec
Process for handling funds after 120-day window
Deputy Commissioner Nell McCarty explains the process for handling unclaimed commissary funds after the 120-day window following an inmate's release. - Funds remain in the account and can still be …
62 sec
Availability of funds at discharge
DOC representatives explain the current process for making commissary funds available to inmates upon discharge from NYC jails. - Discharge dates aren't always known in advance, especially for detainees. - …
82 sec
Reminders and notifications about claiming funds
Deputy Commissioner Nell McCarty outlines the methods used by DOC to inform inmates about claiming their commissary funds before and after release. - Flyers are posted throughout facilities explaining the …
99 sec
Concerns about inmates not claiming small amounts and accumulation of funds
Council Member Diana I. Ayala expresses concerns about inmates not claiming small amounts of commissary funds and the accumulation of unclaimed money over time. - Ayala suggests that inmates might …
114 sec
Limits on commissary account balances
DOC representatives clarify that there are no limits on commissary account balances in NYC jails. - There is no cap on how much money an inmate can have in their …
15 sec
Handling of funds for individuals who return to custody
General Counsel James Conroy explains what happens to unclaimed commissary funds if an individual returns to DOC custody. - If someone returns to custody, their unclaimed funds automatically go back …
47 sec
Alternative payment methods for commissary funds
Council Member Diana I. Ayala suggests exploring alternative payment methods for distributing commissary funds to inmates upon release. - Ayala mentions electronic payments, cards, and checks as potential alternatives to …
66 sec
Suggestions for improving the fund claiming process
Council members offer suggestions to improve the process of claiming commissary funds, and DOC representatives express willingness to explore these ideas. - Council Member Ayala emphasizes the need for DOC …
151 sec
Comptroller's denial of Keefe Group contract registration
Council Member Julie Won inquires about the Comptroller's denial of the Keefe Group contract registration, citing multiple procedural rule violations. She specifically asks about the adverse and negative vendor issues …
109 sec
DOC's response to contract issues and performance evaluation practices
James Conroy, General Counsel for DOC, responds to questions about the department's contract issues and performance evaluation practices. He explains recent changes in the department's procurement processes and plans for …
3 min
Plans for new Request for Proposal (RFP) for commissary services
James Conroy informs Council Member Julie Won about DOC's plans for a new Request for Proposal (RFP) for commissary services, indicating a move towards competitive bidding. - DOC is currently …
85 sec
Increase in monthly costs for Keefe Group contract
Council Member Julie Won questions James Conroy about the significant increase in monthly costs for the Keefe Group contract, from an initial $583,000 to $2,750,000. - Conroy attributes the cost …
127 sec
Issues with expired items and non-delivery of commissary products
Council Member Julie Won inquires about reported issues of expired items and non-delivery of commissary products. DOC officials respond to these concerns. - Won references a report from April 2024 …
124 sec
Refund process for incorrect or expired commissary items
Deputy Commissioner Nell McCarty explains the refund process for incorrect or expired commissary items in response to questions from Council Member Julie Won. - Inmates receive a receipt when commissary …
113 sec
Grievance process and debate on consequences for Keefe Group
Council Member Julie Won questions the grievance process for reporting commissary issues and debates with DOC officials about consequences for Keefe Group for expired items. - Inmates can file grievances …
3 min
Discrepancy between DOC and comptroller's views on grievances
Council Member Julie Won questions the discrepancy between DOC's perspective on commissary-related grievances and the comptroller's findings, which led to the denial of the Keefe Group contract registration. - Won …
78 sec
Discussion on attorney-client privileged calls using Securus tablets
Council Member Sandy Nurse inquires about the process for ensuring attorney-client privileged communications are not recorded when using Securus tablets in NYC jails. James Conroy from the Department of Correction …
127 sec
Discussion on cancellation and reissuance of DOC program contracts
Council Member Sandy Nurse questions DOC representatives about the cancellation of $17 million worth of contracts in FY24 and the subsequent reissuance of RFPs for $14 million. Deputy Commissioner Nell …
155 sec
Discussion on drug screening and prevention measures at Rikers Island
Council Member Sandy Nurse inquires about measures to prevent drug entry into Rikers Island and the implementation of DOI recommendations. James Conroy from DOC explains recent improvements in drug detection …
3 min
Council Member Julie Won discusses confidentiality clauses in Securus contract
Council Member Julie Won outlines several confidentiality clauses in the Securus contract, emphasizing the contractor's obligations to maintain confidentiality and the potential consequences for breaches. She questions what actions have …
92 sec
Discussion on recording of privileged attorney-client calls
Council Member Julie Won and James Conroy engage in a Q&A about the recording of privileged attorney-client calls. Conroy explains that the issue was due to human error in designating …
91 sec
DOC's handling and sharing of recorded calls
Council Member Julie Won questions James Conroy about DOC's handling and sharing of recorded calls, particularly those that were supposed to be privileged. Conroy explains the process and reasons behind …
44 sec
Explanation of human error in recording privileged calls
James Conroy provides a detailed explanation of the human error that led to the inadvertent recording of privileged attorney-client calls. He describes the technical issue and the steps taken to …
4 min
Council Member Sandy Nurse asks final questions about DOC contracts and ICE office
Council Member Sandy Nurse wraps up the hearing by asking final questions to the Department of Correction representatives. She confirms the follow-up items needed from the DOC and inquires about …
105 sec
Testimony by Tanya Krupat, Vice President of Policy and Advocacy at Osborne Association, on Contracted Jail Services
Tanya Krupat from the Osborne Association testified about the impact of eliminating targeted approach jail-based services contracts. She highlighted the importance of these programs and the negative consequences of their …
140 sec
Testimony by Jason Rodriguez, Policy Associate at Legal Action Center
Jason Rodriguez, a policy associate at the Legal Action Center and formerly incarcerated individual, testified about the negative impacts of the $17 million cut to programming services at Rikers Island …
127 sec
Testimony by Siobhan Hunziker, Mitigation Specialist at Osborne Association
Siobhan Hunziker, a mitigation specialist at the Osborne Association, provided testimony on the importance of contracted jail services, particularly focusing on mitigation and alternatives to incarceration programs. She highlighted the …
123 sec
Testimony by Christopher Leon Johnson on Intro 825
Christopher Leon Johnson testifies in support of Intro 825, which aims to ensure detainees receive remaining commissary funds upon release. He suggests amendments to the bill, including the use of …
130 sec
Testimony by Raul Rivera, TLC Driver and Advocate, on Intro 825
Raul Rivera, a TLC driver and advocate, testifies against Intro 825 and expresses strong criticism of the Criminal Justice Committee and the City Council. He argues that prisoners should not …
97 sec