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New York City Council

Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises

Jul 24, 2024


11:00 AM

1 hr 46 min


A hearing on several zoning proposals across New York City neighborhoods:

  • A sidewalk cafe application for Wings and Seafood in Ridgewood, Queens facing concerns over outdoor space usage and parking
  • The 500 Kent Avenue commercial development in Williamsburg with public open space and waterfront access
  • The 712 Myrtle Avenue mixed-use residential rezoning in Bed-Stuy with affordable housing focus
  • The 3033 Avenue V rezoning in Sheepshead Bay addressing existing tenant accommodations
  • The 197 Berry Street proposal in Williamsburg to convert parking garage space to self-storage
  • The Prince's Point residential project in Staten Island

Discussions covered appropriateness of uses, parking utilization, flood resilience, affordable housing priorities, public space accessibility, and development timelines.

Meeting chapters

Read summaries and watch videos for short segments that matter to you.


Introduction and overview of the zoning and franchises subcommittee meeting

Council Member Kevin Riley opens the meeting of the subcommittee on zoning and franchises, introducing himself as the chair and acknowledging the presence of other council members. He outlines the …



88 sec


Explanation of meeting procedures and public testimony guidelines

Council Member Riley provides detailed instructions for public participation in the hybrid-format meeting, covering both in-person and remote attendance. He outlines the rules for testifying, submitting written testimony, and observing …



3 min


Council Member Holden introduces land use application for Wings and Seafood in Ridgewood, Queens

Council Member Robert F. Holden addresses the subcommittee on zoning and franchises regarding a land use application for Wings and Seafood, located at 785 Fairview Avenue in Ridgewood, Queens. He …



47 sec


Council Member Holden outlines concerns about Wings and Seafood's sidewalk cafe application

Council Member Holden presents several concerns regarding Wings and Seafood's sidewalk cafe application and their current outdoor dining setup. He highlights issues such as underutilization of space, parking challenges, and …



150 sec


Business owner's request for sidewalk cafe space and its importance

Mr. Wang presents his request for sidewalk cafe space, emphasizing its critical importance for the survival of his restaurant business. He explains that the sidewalk space is necessary to continue …



113 sec


Council Member Riley questions Mr. Wang about his sidewalk cafe and business duration

Council Member Kevin C. Riley inquires about the duration of Mr. Wang's sidewalk cafe operation and his overall business in the area. Mr. Wang, the owner of Wings And Seafood, …



61 sec


Council member inquires about Wings And Seafood's indoor and outdoor dining setup

Council Member Robert F. Holden questions Mr. Wang, the owner of Wings And Seafood, about the restaurant's current dining setup and plans for outdoor expansion. Mr. Wang provides information about …



3 min


Council member raises concerns about Wings And Seafood's outdoor dining application

Council Member Robert F. Holden expresses concerns about Wings And Seafood's outdoor dining application, citing parking issues, illegal structures, and apparent lack of use of the outdoor space. Mr. Wang …



7 min


Council member explains new street cafe guidelines to restaurant owner

Council Member Lynn Schulman informs restaurant owner Mr. Wang about new street cafe guidelines effective August 3rd. She emphasizes the importance of compliance with the new regulations, including specific design …



3 min


Council Member Riley provides information on side walk cafe application and related DOT application

Council Member Kevin C. Riley reminds everyone that the application under discussion is for the sidewalk cafe. He also informs about a separate DOT application for a street cafe related …



23 sec


Council Member Riley opens public hearing on Bronx Metro North Neighborhood Rezoning

Council Member Kevin C. Riley opens a public hearing on land use items 109 through 113 related to the Bronx Metro North Neighborhood Rezoning proposal. He explains the various mapping …



109 sec


Council Member Riley opens public hearing on 500 Kent Avenue Resort proposal

Council Member Kevin C. Riley opens the third public hearing on land use items 114 to 116, relating to the 500 Kent Avenue Resort proposal in Council Member Restler's district …



51 sec


Council member Restler's remarks on proposed development project

Council Member Lincoln Restler expresses his support for a proposed development project, highlighting its benefits to the community. He emphasizes the importance of the community space within the development and …



45 sec


Council member Restler's acknowledgments and request for presentation

Council Member Lincoln Restler expresses gratitude to various individuals involved in the development project process and requests a brief presentation from the development team. He specifically thanks William Vidal from …



46 sec


Introduction and team presentation for the 500 Kent Avenue project

Raymond Levin from Herrick Feinstein introduces himself and the project team, including representatives from Marvel Architects, MPFP landscape architects, and PHA environmental consultants. - Team members include Neville from Marvel …



30 sec


Project overview and location of the 500 Kent Avenue development

The presentation outlines the location and context of the 500 Kent Avenue project in South Williamsburg, Brooklyn. The site is situated on Wallabout Channel with frontage on Division and Kent …



71 sec


Proposed development details for the 500 Kent Avenue project

The presentation provides an overview of the proposed development's key features and components. The project includes a mix of office space, retail, public open space, and parking facilities. - Over …



19 sec


Project objectives and community benefits of the 500 Kent Avenue development

The presentation outlines the project's aims and potential benefits to the neighborhood and broader community. The development seeks to link various parts of the area and provide multiple advantages to …



61 sec


Architectural design and site plan for the 500 Kent Avenue project

Nebil Gokcebay from Marvel Architects presents the architectural design and site plan for the 500 Kent Avenue project. The presentation covers the building's orientation, massing, and integration with the surrounding …



3 min


Landscape design and waterfront access for the 500 Kent Avenue project

Rick Parisi from MPFP Landscape Architects presents the landscape design and waterfront access features of the project. The design focuses on connectivity and public open space. - Three connection points …



121 sec


Traffic and access considerations for the 500 Kent Avenue development

The presentation addresses traffic and access considerations for the project, including parking and loading dock arrangements. These aspects were developed in collaboration with city planning and the Department of Transportation. …



78 sec


Zoning actions and requests for the 500 Kent Avenue project

Raymond Levin concludes the presentation by summarizing the zoning actions and requests being made to the City Council for approval. These include various amendments and permits necessary for the project …



48 sec


Discussion on the appropriateness of commercial use for the rezoning site

Council Member Kevin C. Riley questions why the site is more appropriate for commercial use rather than maritime industrial use, given its location adjacent to the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Raymond …



130 sec


Consultation with the Brooklyn Navy Yard on development and public open space

Council Member Kevin C. Riley inquires about consultation with the Brooklyn Navy Yard regarding the development and public open space. Raymond Levin confirms that they have had discussions with the …



36 sec


Council Member Lincoln Restler's introduction and acknowledgments

Council Member Lincoln Restler opens the session with introductory remarks and acknowledges various individuals involved in the project. He thanks Teri Riley for the presentation and recognizes Lena and Brian …



31 sec


Confirmation of no last mile facility at the site

Council Member Lincoln Restler asks for confirmation that there is no intention to introduce a last mile facility at the project site. Raymond Levin, representing the development team, provides a …



13 sec


Discussion on climate resiliency measures for the waterfront site

Council Member Lincoln Restler inquires about how the site addresses climate resiliency concerns, given its location on the Williams River Waterfront. Nebil Gokcebay, an architect from Marvel Architects, provides a …



95 sec


Viability of commercial office space in the post-pandemic market

Council Member Lincoln Restler inquires about the confidence in activating the commercial office space and ensuring financial viability, given the challenges in the post-pandemic marketplace. Raymond Levin provides a comprehensive …



178 sec


Plans for recruiting and compensating building service workers

Council Member Lincoln Restler asks about the plans for recruiting building service workers and ensuring they receive adequate compensation. Raymond Levin provides a brief response, indicating their approach to this …



46 sec


Council Member Riley opens public hearing on 712 Myrtle Avenue Rezoning proposal

Council Member Kevin C. Riley opens the 4th public hearing for the 712 Myrtle Avenue Rezoning proposal in Bedstuy. He provides details about the mixed-use residential development project and outlines …



52 sec


Procedural matters and swearing-in of applicant panel for 712 Myrtle Avenue Rezoning hearing

Council Member Restler requests to ask questions before the presentation, leading to a brief interaction with Council Member Riley. The applicant panel, consisting of Richard Lobel and Kevin Williams, is …



62 sec


Council Member Restler's remarks on the Olive Myrtle rezoning project

Council Member Lincoln Restler expresses support for the Olive Myrtle rezoning project, highlighting its importance in addressing housing needs in the area. He emphasizes the project's potential to provide housing …



54 sec


Q&A session on specific aspects of the Olive Myrtle rezoning project

Council Member Restler engages in a Q&A session with project representatives, covering various aspects of the Olive Myrtle rezoning project. The discussion includes confirmation of the project option, community benefits, …



137 sec


Details of the rezoning request for 712 Myrtle Avenue

The presenter outlines the specific rezoning request for the 712 Myrtle Avenue project, including the proposed zoning changes and the resulting development possibilities. This chapter provides the core details of …



52 sec


Specifications of the proposed development at 712 Myrtle Avenue

This chapter delves into the specific details of the proposed development, including its size, height, and amenities. It provides a clear picture of what the project will look like if …



21 sec


Zoning context and appropriateness of the rezoning request

The presenter explains the broader zoning context of the area and argues for the appropriateness of the rezoning request. This chapter provides justification for the proposed changes based on existing …



31 sec


Detailed site and area analysis supporting the rezoning proposal

This chapter provides a more detailed analysis of the specific site and surrounding area, further supporting the appropriateness of the rezoning request. It includes information on recent zoning changes and …



95 sec


Building plans and unit composition with focus on family-sized apartments

The final chapter discusses the proposed building plans and unit composition, highlighting the focus on larger, family-sized units and the distribution of affordable housing. This section emphasizes the community benefits …



66 sec


Council Member Riley introduces rezoning proposal and provides public participation instructions

Council Member Kevin C. Riley opens the discussion for items 117 and 118 related to the 3033 Avenue V rezoning proposal in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn. He provides an overview of …



43 sec


Council Member Narcisse expresses support for 3033 Avenue V project

Council Member Mercedes Narcisse expresses her strong support for the 3033 Avenue V project, highlighting its importance in the current climate of housing needs in New York City. She thanks …



68 sec


Q&A on retail spaces and tenant accommodations for 3033 Avenue V project

Council Member Mercedes Narcisse asks questions about the retail spaces in the 3033 Avenue V project, focusing on accommodations for existing tenants and potential community involvement. Neil Weisbard, representing the …



167 sec


Introduction and zoning amendment proposal

Neil Weisbard from Seyfarth Shaw, representing Ford Coil Properties, introduces the proposed zoning amendment. The amendment aims to change the zoning map for a specific lot from an R4 residence …



27 sec


Site location and current conditions

The presentation describes the location and current state of the site proposed for rezoning. The site is a 20,000 square foot lot on the north side of Avenue V, with …



35 sec


Proposed rezoning map and surrounding area

The presenter shows the proposed rezoning map and describes the surrounding area. The area to be rezoned is highlighted in red, indicating the change to an R7D district with a …



22 sec


Proposed building details and renderings

The presentation outlines the details of the proposed nine-story building, including its floor area, number of apartments, parking spaces, and setback features. Renderings of the proposed building are also shown. …



51 sec


Transportation and accessibility of the area

The presenter discusses the transportation options available in the area. The site is described as well-served by bus service, with connections to nearby subway stations. - There is a bus …



14 sec


Flood hazard assessment and mitigation measures

The presentation addresses flood hazard concerns and outlines mitigation measures. The area is described as having minimal flood hazard, with only a small portion in the 0.2% floodplain. - No …



42 sec


Sustainability features of the proposed building

The presenter concludes by highlighting the sustainable elements that will be incorporated into the building design. These features aim to reduce the environmental impact of the development. - Sustainable elements …



15 sec


Council member inquires about flooding concerns and community engagement

Council Member Riley raises concerns about flooding in the area as reported by Community Board 15, despite the developer's claim of less than 0.2% flood occurrence. He asks the developer …



35 sec


Discussion on plans for existing businesses and tenant relationships

Council Member Riley inquires about the developer's plans for engaging with the Night Shift development and accommodating existing businesses in the new project. Neil Weisbard, representing the property owner, provides …



79 sec


Council Member Riley introduces hearing on 197 Berry Street proposal

Council Member Kevin C. Riley opens a hearing on LU's 119 related to the 197 Berry Street proposal in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn. He provides details about the proposal …



55 sec


Swearing in of the applicant panel for 197 Berry Street proposal hearing

The applicant panel, consisting of Adam Taubman and Abraham Bannon, is called forward and sworn in for the hearing on the 197 Berry Street proposal. Council staff administers the oath, …



31 sec


Introduction and project overview for 197 Berry Street rezoning

Adam Taubman from Kramer Levin introduces the land use application for 197 Berry Street. The proposal seeks a rezoning to reduce the accessory parking requirement for an existing building. - …



17 sec


Site location and current zoning of 197 Berry Street

The presentation provides details on the development site's location and current zoning regulations. The site is situated in a special mixed-use district with various allowed uses and specific parking requirements. …



69 sec


Existing building and uses at 197 Berry Street

The presentation describes the existing building at 197 Berry Street, including its current uses and the accessory parking garage. The building is a 3-5 story mixed-use structure with multiple levels …



80 sec


Current parking situation and challenges at 197 Berry Street

The presentation highlights the current parking situation and the challenges faced by the existing garage. Despite having 142 spaces, the garage is severely underutilized and operates at a loss. - …



127 sec


Proposed rezoning and its effects on 197 Berry Street

The presentation outlines the proposed rezoning for the site and its primary effect on the accessory parking requirement. The rezoning aims to eliminate the commercial parking requirement while maintaining other …



50 sec


Parking supply study for the 197 Berry Street area

The presentation discusses a parking supply study conducted by environmental and traffic engineering consultants. The study found a surplus of both off-street and on-street parking spaces within a quarter-mile radius …



90 sec


Proposed self-storage facility at 197 Berry Street

The presentation introduces the proposed self-storage facility that would occupy part of the existing parking area. The facility is designed for short-term use by local residents and small businesses. - …



74 sec


Support for the 197 Berry Street rezoning application

The presentation concludes by highlighting the support received for the rezoning application from various stakeholders. This support demonstrates community backing for the proposed changes. - Supporters: Residents in the building, …



15 sec


Council member inquires about parking utilization rate in the garage

Council Member Kevin C. Riley inquires about the current parking utilization rate in the garage and its potential impact on existing residents. Adam Taubman from Kramer Levin provides information on …



39 sec


Discussion on pricing and challenges of parking spaces in the garage

Council Member Kevin C. Riley inquires about the pricing of parking spaces in the garage. Avi Benin, the principal applicant for 197 Berry St., provides detailed information on the current …



61 sec


Introduction to the Prince's Point application hearing in Staten Island

Council Member Kevin C. Riley opens a hearing on the Prince Point application, a residential development project in Staten Island. The application seeks a tax amendment to extend the vesting …



29 sec


Introduction and team presentation

Ellen Hay introduces the team members involved in the land use presentation. The team includes representatives from various organizations and specialties related to the project. - Rob Huberman from Herrick …



24 sec


Site overview and historical context

The presentation provides an overview of the approximately 37-acre vacant site located in the Prince's Point Neighborhood, detailing its surroundings and recent ownership history. The site has been subject to …



43 sec


Development goals for the site

The presentation outlines three primary land use goals that have remained consistent over the past 35 years of development efforts for this site. These goals focus on residential use, environmental …



44 sec


Proposed actions for approval

The application seeks approval for three specific actions related to the development project. These actions involve city map amendments, zoning lot subdivision adjustments, and modifications to existing restrictive declarations. - …



28 sec


Street mapping and public access details

Phil Rampulla explains the unique aspects of the project's street mapping and public access features. The presentation covers the transition from private to mapped streets, pedestrian access points, and connections …



5 min


Project evolution and current proposal

The presentation outlines how the project has evolved since 2006, detailing changes in road widths, unit counts, and fire department regulations. The current proposal reflects the most recent requirements and …



117 sec


Discussion on the operation of public access areas in the development

Council Member Kevin C. Riley inquires about the operation of public access areas in the proposed development. Ellen Hay and Phil Rampulla from the development team provide information on accessibility …



55 sec


Commitment to not place gates at public accessible spaces

Council Member Kevin C. Riley seeks a commitment from the development team not to place gates at the entrance of public accessible spaces. After some initial confusion, the team clarifies …



27 sec


Estimated timeline for project completion

Council Member Kevin C. Riley inquires about the estimated timeline for completing the project. Phil Rampulla from the development team provides information on the expected duration and start date. - …



32 sec pigeon logo

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